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The flat hash set & map from abseil implemented in Python

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Flat Hash Set & Map in Python

A flat Hash Set and Map implementation from abseil C++ library implemented in Python using Cython in order to use SSE2 instructions. This implementation was made following the great presentation from Matt Kulukundis on CppCon 2017 1 and inspired by the Golang port made 2.



Hash Map

from hash_map import FlatHashMap

hash_map = FlatHashMap()
key = 'a'
hash_map[key] = 1

if key in hash_map:
  print(f"Contains key: {key}")

Hash Set

from hash_set import FlatHashSet

a = FlatHashSet()
b = FlatHashSet()

amount = 100
amount_second = int(amount / 2)

for i in range(amount):

for i in range(amount_second):

fhs3 = a.intersection(b)

Executing the automated tests

python -m unittest discover -s ./tests -t ./tests


The implementation uses Open Addressing which is an alternative way to handle hash collisions without using linked lists. Each key is placed in the table by searching for an empty slot in a process called probing. There are different types of probing that could be used 3:

  • Linear probing: Sequentially finds inside the hash table.
  • Quadratic probing: Quadratically finds inside the hash table.
  • Double hashing: Find inside the hash table by hashing the key again.

The linear probing is used due to the L1, L2, L3 caches, the subsequent keys can be loaded faster which can potentially improve the performance.


The table is partitioned into groups of the same size. We use 16 for the group size in order to efficiently find keys in the group by using SSE instructions. We can efficiently find a key in the group by loading all the 16 control bytes into a __m128i and using 3 SSE instructions.

Keys Metadata (Control)

For each key a whole byte is stored in a control metadata array. This metadata is used to find the keys more efficiently by using SIMD instructions and to handle removal cases when the key can't be deleted or a find might not find another key which is after it. The metadata byte indicates the state of the key, which can be empty, deleted, or full which contains its first 7 bits hash.

class ControlFlag(Enum):
    FULL    = 0b0hhh_hhhh # hash
    EMPTY   = 0b1000_0000 # 128
    DELETED = 0b1111_1110 # 254


The hash of the key is divided in two parts, H1 which contains the 57 most significant bits of the key and H2 which contains the first 7 bits.

def split_hash(h: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    return (h & Mask.HASH_1.value) >> 7, h & Mask.HASH_2.value

  • The H1 hash is used to find the group in which the key would be inserted.
  • The H2 hash will be the control byte, which will be used in the SSE instructions to efficiently find the key.


We can efficiently search for a hash in a group with 16 keys by loading all the 16 control bytes into a __m128i bit vector. By using 3 SSE instructions:

  1. The instruction _mm_set1_epi8 creates a __m128i bit vector with 16 bytes filled with the given byte.

  1. The instruction _mm_cmpeq_epi8 compares two __m128i byte vector, returning a __m128i byte vector with 0xFF where the bytes are aligned.

  1. The instruction _mm_movemask_epi8 returns a 64 bit vector (8 bytes) with the most significant bit of each byte. In this case, it returns 1 when the byte is 0xFF

These instructions combined return a 64 bit mask which contains the position of the keys that matched the given hash.

We can then use each bit to efficiently find the key in the group by checking if the key is in the corresponding position.

while True:
    keys = _control_keys_at_index_(group_index)

    matches = sse_match.find_matches(h2, keys)

    while matches != 0:
        match, bitmask = sse_match.next_match(matches)
        index = (probe_index + match) % self._pairs.__len__()

        if key == self._pairs[index][0]:
            return True

        matches = bitmask

The images used in this explanation are from the presentation CppCon 2017: Matt Kulukundis "Designing a Fast, Efficient, Cache-friendly Hash Table, Step by Step" 1.

Using SSE instructions from Python

In order to use SSE instructions the implementation uses Cython. We followed the example Simple example for embedding SSE2 assembly in Cython projects to map the SSE2 instructions required to implement the hash matcher. The sse_match.pyx file contains the mapped SSE instructions:

cdef extern from "emmintrin.h":
    # Two things happen here:
    # - this definition tells Cython that, at the abstraction level of the Cython language, 
    #   __m128d "behaves like a double" and __m128i "behaves like a fixed size long array"
    # - at the C level, the "cdef extern from" (above) makes the generated C code look up 
    #   the exact definition from the original header
    ctypedef double __m128d
    ctypedef long long int[2] __m128i

    # Declare any needed extern functions here; consult $(locate emmintrin.h) and SSE assembly documentation.
    __m128i _mm_set_epi8(char __q15, char __q14, char __q13, char __q12,
                 char __q11, char __q10, char __q09, char __q08,
                 char __q07, char __q06, char __q05, char __q04,
                 char __q03, char __q02, char __q01, char __q00) nogil

    __m128i _mm_store_si128(__m128i * dest, __m128i a) nogil
    __m128i _mm_set1_epi8(char v) nogil
    __m128i _mm_cmpeq_epi8(__m128i __A, __m128i __B) nogil
    int _mm_movemask_epi8(__m128i __A) nogil

Complexity analysis

The expected average and best case for Search, Insert and Delete is O(1) when the key can be find in the first probe. Because we might need to traverse all the items to search for a given key when the table is full (Which can be avoided by using a load factor lesser than 1.0) the worst case is O(n). However, due to the use of SSE instructions we can search in 3 instructions a group with 16 keys, which makes the worst case O(n) still performant.

The expected space complexity is O(n) due to the contiguous array allocated for the key pairs and the control bytes array.

Time complexity Table

Hash table

Operation Best Case Average Case Worst Case
Search O(1) O(1) O(n)
Insert O(1) O(1) O(n)
Delete O(1) O(1) O(n)

Hash set

Operation Best Case Average Case Worst Case
Intersection O(1) O(n) O(n)
Union O(1) O(n) O(n)
Difference O(1) O(n) O(n)

Robin hood hash

According to Matt Kulukundis this implementation has a similar performance as the Robin hood hash due to the use of SSE instructions and the control bytes which can better use the processor's cache.


  1. CppCon 2017: Matt Kulukundis "Designing a Fast, Efficient, Cache-friendly Hash Table, Step by Step" 2

  2. Golang port of Abseil's SwissTable

  3. Linear Probing | Open Addressing | Hash Tables


The flat hash set & map from abseil implemented in Python






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