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Logo maze

It's a simple 2D maze game created using OpenGL 3 and Python.

The character is controlled by the keyboard:

  • W moves upwards
  • S moves downwards
  • A moves leftwards
  • D moves rightwards

The goal is to capture a flag that is a specific point in the world.


The game has a simple soundtrack that is implemented using PyGame Mixer Music.

The songs are in the game/songs directory.

Current available songs used in the game:

  • Lost Woods from Zelda

Entity Component System

esper is used as an Entity Component System (ECS) due to be lightweight with a focus on performance. ECS is commonly used in games facilitating the code reusability by separating the data from the behaviour. Following a composition approach over the inheritance, solving the diamond problem that may happen in deep inheritance hierarchy. Due to the isolated components, the unit test becomes more simple.

Components describe the attributes that one Entity can have.

Systems are created to implement the behaviour such as physics, the rendering pipeline.

Advantages of using ECS:

  • More flexibility to define objects using reusable parts.
  • Separates data from the functions that uses it.
  • Has a clean design with decoupling, modularization, reusable methods.


The ECS components implemented are in the game/ecs folder.

Texture handling

The created Texture class abstracts texture loading from OpenGL. It supports image flipping after loading, for the use cases where the image is not in the correct position. For image loading, the Pillow package is used.

from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from OpenGL.GL import *

with as image:
    if flip:
        image = image.rotate(180)
        image = ImageOps.mirror(image)

    pixels = image.tobytes()

    self.handle = glGenTextures(1)
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.handle)


    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels)

The current implementation load the textures with GL_REPEAT mode.

Texture Shader

In order to render a given texture, two simple shaders was used. A vertex shader to position the objects in the world with a UV mapping. A fragment Shader to map the texture to the object using UV mapping.

#version 330

uniform sampler2D tex;

in vec2 v_uv;

out vec4 FragColor;

void main() {
    FragColor = texture(tex, v_uv);

Example of UV mapping but for 3D objects.



A quad was used to represent the objects in the world and to apply texture to them.


The shader compilation and linkage process was abstracted by the Shader class implementation. The current implementation loads the two expected Vertex and Fragment shaders, compiling and linking them into a new program. If the shaders failed to compile or the link phase, a custom exception is thrown with an error message.

def compile_shader(file_path, shader_type):
    with as file:
        shader_source =

        handle = glCreateShader(shader_type)
        glShaderSource(handle, shader_source)

        # check for shader compile errors
        success = glGetShaderiv(handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS)

        if not success:
            info_log = glGetShaderInfoLog(handle)

            raise ShaderCompilationException(
                f"Shader compilation failed for file '{file_path}': " + info_log

        return handle

Text generation

Some texts were generated using TextCraft and imported as texture in OpenGL. They are located in the game/textures/text directory.

This approach is more simple but less flexible compared to text to image generation that can be implemented using HarfBuzz, for example. However, it would be more complex and would take more time to implement.


A simple system composed of a Sprite component and an AnimationProcessor was implemented for the walking animation of the character. It's composed of a set of directions and images that are sequentially changed to create the animation. The WalkAnimation component store the direction mapping to the sprites.

for direction, path in animations.items():
    textures = map(lambda f: os.path.join(path, f), os.listdir(path))
    textures = filter(os.path.isfile, textures)
    textures = list(map(lambda f: Texture(f, flip), textures))

    self.animations[direction] = itertools.cycle(textures)

The AnimationProcessor change the current texture of the object according to the direction the object is moving towards.

for ent, (render, animation, velocity) in, WalkAnimation, Velocity):
    if not velocity.is_moving():

    render: Renderable = render

    direction = velocity.directions()[0]

    animation: WalkAnimation = animation
    animations = animation.animations.get(direction)

    if animations is not None:
        render.texture = next(animations)

Sprite sheet

The Yoshi sprite sheet used was created by A.J Nitro.

The sprites are divided into 4 directories according to the direction. They are in the game/textures/yoshi directory.

Positioning objects

A vertex shader is used by all objects to position them into the world. The current implementation receives a vertex, a UV point and the transformations as an uniform and apply them to the vertex. The transformations are created using the glm library. They are combined

#version 330

layout (location = 0) in vec3 vertex;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 uv;

uniform mat4 transformations;

out vec2 v_uv;

void main() {
    gl_Position = transformations * vec4(vertex, 1.0);
    v_uv = uv;


The wall is positioned according to the maze generated. The position is set and the vertex shader apply the transformations to correctly position the wall in the world.

The texture used for the wall was extracted from Umsoea texture.


A simple collision system is implemented to prevent the player from passing through the walls in the game.

Maze generation

To generate a Maze dynamically the mazelib implementation was used. The world has an adjustable size that increases the maze size and consequentially, the difficulty of the game. There algorithms available to use are described in mazelib documentation.


The monte carlo approach is used to generate the final maze with at least one solution. The solution start point and endpoint are used to position the player and the flag that the player should capture.


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