Dota-350k is a dataset comprised of all ranked matches played in Dota 2 on the 16th of April 2020 (Patch Version: 7.25c).
You can find out more about the dataset in our paper:
A. Dallmann, J. Kohlmann, D. Zoller and A. Hotho, "Sequential Item Recommendation in the MOBA Game Dota 2," 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2021, pp. 10-17, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW53433.2021.00009.
If you're using the dataset please cite the above paper.
These packages contain the unprocessed raw datasets:
These packages contain the processed datasets and splits:
The repository contains code for processing the raw Dota-350k dataset. It also contains a script to convert the Opendota dataset from Kaggle to enable processing with the same scripts.
This project uses Poetry to manage the build process.
poetry shell
prompts poetry to create and activate a virtual environment with the necessary dependencies that you can use to execute the scripts.
Download and unpack the Opendota dataset from Kaggle. Then execute:
python -m dataset_processing.opendota.convert <unpacked-opendota-directory> <dataset-file> --file-type csv
Processing is done in multiple steps. In order to speed up the computation, we use Spark to process the data and Parquet
as the input file format. If you only have the CSV file, you need to convert it to parquet first:
python -m dataset_processing.dota.prepare_dataset to-parquet <input-file-csv> <output-directory-parquet>
Then you can start processing the datasets:
RAW_PATH=dota-350k-raw # /path/that/contains/raw/dataset
DATASET_PATH=dota-350k # /path/where/data/is/written
# Dota-350k
python -m dataset_processing.dota.add_metadata $RAW_PATH/dota.parquet $DATASET_PATH ../resources/roles.json ../resources/heros.json
# Opendota
#python -m dataset_processing.dota.add_metadata --opendota $RAW_PATH/dota.parquet $DATASET_PATH ../resources/roles.json ../resources/heros.json
python -m dataset_processing.dota.prepare_dataset process --items-file ../resources/items-7.25c.json $DATASET_PATH/dota.parquet $DATASET_PATH
python -m dataset_processing.dota.prepare_dataset split --training-ratio 0.94 --validation-ratio 0.01 --test-ratio 0.05 $DATASET_PATH/dota-processed.parquet $DATASET_PATH