- a Raspberry Pi (from model 1B up to 4B, 3A+, 3B+ or Zero including Zero W)
- SD card with at least 1GB, or at least 128MB for USB root install (without customization)
- ethernet or wireless LAN with a working internet connection
- Format SD card or Restore USB Drive if it has been used before
- Write the installer to the SD card
- Provide unattended installation settings (optional) or follow the first boot steps later
- Power on the Raspberry Pi and wait until the installation is done
- Download the .zip file.
- Unzip the .zip file
- Download installer-config.txt
- Update “Login user” details and “Wifi” details
- Go to “<USB DRIVE>\raspberrypi-ua-netinst\config" and replace ‘installer-config.txt’
- Copy everthing to USB Drive
- Add memory card to Raspberrt Pi and turn on to start the boot process (will take 20 min)