Event Medals is a extension for PhpBB3 that adds support for event awards. It is developed as a way to give awards in user profiles for attending live meetings. But can be used for much more.
-show summary of user medals in profile field in postview
-show list user medals in profile
-show form for manual adding of madels ACL users
-TO DO: Return to user profile after adding a medal
-show ACL for who can view the medals in profile (Allways visible for admins and user it self)
-form for mass addition of medals
-make sure medals are unique
-edit medals
-ACL who can add/edit medals
-Split Add and EDIT ACL
-Edit image of medals
##Donate If you like my code - buy me a beer/coffee/license for PhpStorm :D
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- ETH: 0x363abc8edf41ac89906b20e90cf7fdc71fe78cd5