Muselog standardizes logging across all Python applications in use at The Muse. It integrates with DataDog, and it provides request hooks for the following web frameworks or interfaces.
is available on themuse's public gemfury index
. You'll need to add our index to your requirements.txt
in order to resolve the module.
# requirements.txt
You can still install muselog
through git via the tags we publish on github and an egg (string directory that gets checked out as part of the install).
# requirements.txt
# example
-e git+git://[email protected]#egg=muselog[tornado]
The most effective manner to use muselog is to run your python program using muselog-run
This will ensure that muselog is setup before anything else.
Say you wanted to run the file "" with arguments "--file data.txt". You only care about ERROR logs for all modules, except 'muselog', for which you want to see INFO logs, and 'muselog.logger', for which you want to see DEBUG logs. Your command would look as follows.
muselog-run --root-log-level ERROR --module-log-level muselog=INFO --module-log-level muselog.logger=DEBUG python --file data.txt
Import muselog
as early as possible. At The Muse, this is usually in the application's top-level
After import, call the setup_logging
function to initialize the library. For example,
import muselog
muselog.setup_logging(root_log_level=os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"),
module_log_levels={"themuse": os.environ.get("THEMUSE_LOG_LEVEL", "INFO")},
See the method's documentation if any of the configuration options in this example are not clear.
- DATADOG_ERROR_STACK_LIMIT :: truncate the stack trace sent in
to X number of characters, default 10000
to enable datadog docker logging
This option will only work if muselog.setup_logging's add_console_handler
parameter is True
(the default).
Set the following environment variables to enable datadog UDP integration.
- DATADOG_HOST :: Datadog host to send JSON logs to
- DATADOG_UDP_PORT :: datadog server port that
handler type sends messages to. (Default: 10518).
Muselog provides middleware / request hooks (depending on the framework) to logs request data at the conclusion of each request. Below are instructions to setup muselog for each supported web framework.
Muselog supports any ASGI-compatible web framework, such as FastAPI and Starlette.
To use, first install muselog with the [asgi]
Then add the muselog.asgi.RequestLoggingMiddleware
middleware to your ASGI application.
In FastAPI, this could look as follows.
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from muselog.asgi import RequestLoggingMiddleware
app = FastAPI()
# RequestLoggingMiddleware is a muselog middleware that logs the end of a request.
# It will add a `request_id` to the context for you, which you can access as follows.
# from muselog import context
# req_id = context.get("request_id")
Install with the [django]
Add muselog.django.MuseDjangoRequestLoggingMiddleware
to your middleware list.
Install with the [flask]
Call muselog.flask.register_muselog_request_hooks
immediately after instantiating the Flask application object.
For example,
import flask
import muselog.flask
app = flask.Flask("example")
Install with the [tornado]
Set Tornado's log_function
to muselog.tornado.log_request
To log exceptions with more detail, add muselog.tornado.ExceptionLogger
as a base class for your request handlers.
Run docker-compose up test
to run unit tests.