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David Hall edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

All actions are derived from the abstract Action class. All versions of the base library support the ExecAction. It only has three properties that allow it to run an executable with parameters.

ExecAction ea1 = new ExecAction("notepad.exe", "file.txt", null);
ExecAction ea2 = new ExecAction();
ea2.Path = "notepad.exe";
ea.Arguments = "file2.txt";

Showing the Editor for an Action

// Show the dialog and have it return a new instance of an ExecAction
var dlg = new ActionEditDialog(null, false, AvailableActions.Execute);
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) return;
// The new instance is in the Action property, which can be cast to the derived action type
var newAction = (ExecAction)dlg.Action;

// Create a dialog allowing the user to select from multiple action types
var dlg = new ActionEditDialog(null, false, AvailableActions.Execute | AvailableActions.ShowMessage);

// Create a dialog that allows the user to edit a single action
var action = new ExecAction("powershell");
var dlg = new ActionEditDialog(action, false, AvailableTriggers.Execute);

Cross-platform Support

In Windows Vista and later, in the V2 library, there are three new actions. Under V1 systems (XP/WS2003 and earlier), these actions can be enabled via PowerShell by setting the TaskDefinition.Actions.PowerShellConversion property to PowerShellActionPlatformOption.All. Turning on support for PowerShell under V1 systems also allows the library to support more than one action.

TaskDefinition td = TaskService.Instance.NewTask()
td.Actions.PowerShellConversion = PowerShellActionPlatformOption.All;
// Define rest of task and register...

This same property can be used to prevent PowerShell from being used to convert EmailAction and ShowMessageAction actions under Windows 8 and newer systems:

TaskDefinition td = TaskService.Instance.NewTask()
td.Actions.PowerShellConversion = PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Never;
// Define rest of task and register...

Email, Message and COM Object Actions

The EmailAction allows for an email to be sent when the task is triggered. It works as follows:

EmailAction eAction = new EmailAction("Task fired", "", "", "You just got a message", "");
eAction.Cc = "";

You can also display a message when the trigger fires using the ShowMessageAction.

ShowMessageAction msg = new ShowMessageAction("You just got a message!", "SURPRISE");

The last action is the most complex. It allows the task to execute and In-Proc COM server object that implements the ITaskHandler interface. There is a sample project that shows how to do this in the Releases section, but here is how to define the action.

ComHandlerAction comAction = new ComHandlerAction(new Guid("{CE7D4428-8A77-4c5d-8A13-5CAB5D1EC734}"));
comAction.Data = "Something specific the COM object needs to execute. This can be left unassigned as well.";