⋅⋅* TODO: Implement results and paritipants loading capability
⋅⋅* TODO: Expose results and participants via REST
⋅⋅* TODO: Deploy rest service to a couple cloud vendors
⋅⋅* TODO: Label which athletes have been to Kona
⋅⋅* TODO: Play around with classification for predicting Kona qualifiers for upcoming races
- TODO: Play around with clustering to look for correlations for athletes
##Data sourcing:
TODO: Label pro results... As additional column
TODO: Industrialize the scraping of participants of upcoming races
⋅⋅*TODO: Source results data from USAT website
⋅⋅*TODO: Do analysis to look for more sources of results data and participant data
##Live analysis:
⋅⋅*TODO: Live predictive modelling of athletes' predicted finish time from live pacting data
⋅⋅*TODO: Model guesstimate of power and add to results? (Contact BBS to see if any synergies)
⋅⋅*TODO: Possible to capture? Via cross-referencing participants who have been to Kona.