This is the backend service which runs along with MOAC and tracks the network status, fetches information through JSON-RPC and connects through WebSockets to moac-netstats to feed information.
- moac
- node
- npm
Need MOAC and Address
adduser nodemoac
adduser nodemoac sudo
su - nodemoac
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unzip build-essential
sudo wget
sudo unzip -x nuwa-vnode1.0.2.ubuntu.tar.gz
cd nuwa-vnode1.0.2.ubuntu
chmod 755 moac
./moac account new (set up Address)
screen -S wallet
./moac --rpc
ctrl+A+D exit
netstat -ap | grep 8545 (There are PID and MOAC processes.)
netstat -ap | grep 30333(There are PID and MOAC processes.)
Install NodeJS through NVM
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install v6.9.1
Install Moac-netstats-api
git clone
cd moac-netstats-api
npm install
npm install -g pm2
Configure the app modifying processes.json. Note that you have to modify the backup processes.json file located in ./bin/processes.json
(to allow you to set your env vars without being rewritten when updating).
"NODE_ENV" : "production", // tell the client we're in production environment
"RPC_HOST" : "localhost", // MOAC JSON-RPC host
"RPC_PORT" : "8545", // MOAC JSON-RPC port
"LISTENING_PORT" : "30333", // MOAC listening port (only used for display)
"INSTANCE_NAME" : "name your node", // whatever you wish to name your node
"CONTACT_DETAILS" : "you eamil", // add your contact details here if you wish (email/skype)
"WS_SERVER" : "ws://", // path to MOAC-netstats WebSockets api server
"WS_SECRET" : "", // WebSockets api server secret used for login
"VERBOSITY" : 2 // Set the verbosity (0 = silent, 1 = error, warn, 2 = error, warn, info, success, 3 = all logs)
Run it using pm2:
sudo mv processes.json /home/nodemoac
cd ~
pm2 start processes.json
##Donations MOAC: 0x53be4cb8f27152893b448f9f569624afd1a97e0c