'Is Valid' is a simple lightweight python library for validation predicates.
Predicates are functions that given a certain input return either True
according to some rules that the input either follows or does not
Suppose we have the following data about some books.
>>> books = [
... {
... 'title': 'A Game of Thrones',
... 'author': 'George R. R. Martin',
... 'pubdate': datetime.date(1996, 8, 1),
... 'ISBN': '0553103547'
... },
... {
... 'title': 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher\'s Stone',
... 'author': 'J. K. Rowling',
... 'pubdate': '1997-6-26',
... 'ISBN': '0747532699'
... },
... {
... 'title': 'The Fellowship of the Ring',
... 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien',
... 'pubdate': datetime.date(1954, 7, 29),
... 'ISBN': '0-618-57494-8'
... }
... ]
We want to validate this data according to a rather strict specification. To do this we are going to write a predicate that validates our data.
>>> from is_valid import is_list_of, is_dict_where, is_str, is_date, is_match
>>> is_list_of_books = is_list_of(
... is_dict_where(
... title=is_str,
... author=is_str,
... pubdate=is_date,
... ISBN=is_match(r'^\d{9}(\d|X)$')
... )
... )
You can see that using only a few simple predicates you can easily create a predicate that evaluates complex structures of data. Now lets analyze our data!
>>> is_list_of_books(books)
Okay, so now we know that our data isn't valid according to the specification.
But what if we now want to fix this. In this case just True
or False
doesn't cut it, you might want to know why your data is valid or not. For this
purpose all predicates include an explain
method. If you call this method the
predicate will return a special Explanation
-object as result. All
objects have a valid
, code
, and message
>>> explanation = is_list_of_books.explain(books)
>>> explanation.valid
>>> explanation.message
'not all elements are valid according to the predicate'
So in our case the explanation message is still not very useful. Luckily
-objects often have a details
attribute as well that contains
more specific information. In the case of predicates generated by is_list_of
this is a mapping from indexes in the list that weren't valid to an
-object explaining why they weren't valid. So lets use this to
get some more insight into our data.
>>> for i, subexplanation in explanation.details.items():
... print(i, subexplanation.message)
1 data is not a dict where all the given predicates hold
2 data is not a dict where all the given predicates hold
Still not specific enough, however as you might have guessed already, this
subexplanation also has a details attribute. For predicates generated by
this is a mapping of keys to an Explanation
-object explaining
why the value associated with that key was not valid (if the dictionary has
the right keys). So lets have a look.
>>> for i, subexplanation in explanation.details.items():
... for key, subsubexplanation in subexplanation.details.items():
... print(i, key, subsubexplanation.message)
1 pubdate data is not a date
2 ISBN data does not match /^\d{9}(\d|X)$/
So now we've found the issues! Let's try fixing them and evaluating again.
>>> books[1]['pubdate'] = datetime.date(1997, 6, 26)
>>> books[2]['ISBN'] = '0618574948'
>>> is_list_of_books(books)
So you might think this way of finding all the errors was a bit cumbersome. This is because the API shown above is optimized to handling the result programmatically. If we want human readable errors we can just get the summary.
>>> explanation.summary()
Data is not valid.
[1:'pubdate'] '1997-6-26' is not a date
[2:'ISBN'] '0-618-57494-8' does not match /^\d{9}(\d|X)$/
Which would've made it instantly clear to us what to do.
'Is Valid?' is on PyPI, you can install it with:
pip install is_valid
The module is written in pure python without any dependencies and is only a few hundred LOC.