This is a collaborative research project between x dOrg to index NFT movements to try and glean insights as to the nature of these movements. It's our hope that we can learn something interesting about how NFTs trade hands through this on-chain data.
The current tools we are using for are:
for getting transfer events from an Ethereum nodeNest.js
for setting up a pluggable architecture around modules to easily change data sources / output if necessaryDocker
for setting up a local postgres database
You can see a live version running at
Examples of .env file are can be found in both client and server apps
- root/packages/client/.env.example
- root/packages/server/.env.example
To get the development environment running you will need to create in each directory a .env.development
file and copy the contents from the examples.
For security reason there are certain variables not included in the example files please contact the dev team @ d0rg.
- Node 16.14.0
- Yarn 1.22.17
- You need to have Docker installed and running. The postgres db server will run in a container.
From the root directory of the repository
$ yarn install
Yarn workspaces will handle the installation of dependencies in both server and client applications.
In order to run both the server and client you will need to terminals open, one for each application. From the root directory of the repository.
# development
$ yarn server:start
# development watch mode
$ yarn server:start:dev
# development watch mode and dump script enabled
$ yarn server:start:dev:dump
$ yarn server:stop:dev
# unit tests
$ yarn server:test
# e2e tests
$ yarn server:test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn server:test:cov
# development
$ yarn client:start
# development watch mode
$ yarn client:start:dev
# unit tests
$ yarn client:test
This monorepo makes use of yarn workspaces you'll find both server and client applications under the /packages folder
- The client package is named as: "@cent-social-index/client"
- The server package is names as: "@cent-social-index/server"
in order to install a new npm package:
$ yarn workspace [name-of-package] add [name-of-npm-package]
# for example installing lodash on the client would look like
$ yarn workspace @cent-social-index/client add lodash
First, you'll need to download the db dump from Google Drive
Once you've got the data file and installed Docker and have the PostgreSQL image running as described above, you'll want to load the data onto the image and persist it to the volume.
Note that due to the size of the data file, some of these steps might take a while — thus, while developing it might make sense to use a smaller subset of the data.
- Run the server at least once (no dump mode) to get the db and table definitions created. They are shown below for informational purposes:
CREATE TABLE transfer_events (
chain_id INT,
contract_address CHAR(42),
from_address CHAR(42),
to_address CHAR(42),
token_id NUMERIC(78,0),
quantity NUMERIC(78,0),
txn_id CHAR(66),
block_number INT
CREATE TABLE token_balances (
chain_id INT,
contract_address CHAR(42),
owner_address CHAR(42),
token_id NUMERIC(78,0),
balance NUMERIC(78,0)
- Connect to the Docker image and restore the dump
psql -U db_user db_name < dump_name.sql
Now your database should persist the historical data in the volume! If you want to reset this, follow the below instructions.
You need to stop the docker container (see above)
UI: From your docker application dashboard -> volumes, remove cent-social-index_pgdata volume
$ docker volume rm cent-social-index_pgdata