Allows git ops for saasy cms.
For the current version to work, you need to init a git repo by yourself at the desired location, with two branches: master, staging.
master: dev branch where all the edit happens
staging: contains published files
Directory structure looks something like this:
- my_dp_helloworld (root dir of dp project)
- node_modules (contains all node addons, including this module)
- out (output dir)
- plugins (dp plugins)
- src
gitpad = require('gitpad')
gitpad.init('path/to/repo', callback) // if path ommited will use ".", callback receives (err, status)
// look for console output to check success
For available file control ops read gitpad.js.
1. Error handling
2. More robust init process
3. Compress cherry-picked commits into one "publish" commit
4. More robust error remedy policy
5. Add capability to publish staging branch to a remote repository
v0.2.2 - added more robust error handling mechanism for the publish workflow
v0.2.1 - fixed the publishFiles function to group cherry-picked commits to a single publish commit utilizing temp branches
v0.2 - modified the functions to accept callback, leaving error handling implementation to user
v0.1 - initial alpha version