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Omics Patient Report

Authors: Komal S. Rathi
Adam Kraya
Run Jin
Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Organization: D3B, CHOP
Status: This is "work in progress"
Date: 2025-01-19


This repo is obsolete. Please refer to for up-to-date reporting code.


  1. Clone the OMPARE repository.
  2. Install R packages:
# install packages
cd /path-to/OMPARE
Rscript code/utils/install_pkgs.R

# NOTE: ggnetwork v0.5.1 is required
  1. Download reference data:
# get reference data from s3
aws s3 --profile Mgmt-Console-Dev-chopd3bprod@684194535433 sync s3://d3b-bix-dev-data-bucket/PNOC008/data /path-to/OMPARE/data/

# chembldb v29 needs to be downloaded separately
# download chembldb v29 from and save under data/chembl directory, then untar it. You will find the database under the path: data/chembl/chembl_29_sqlite/chembl_29.db.
  1. Download patient-specific files from data delivery project:
  • Copy Number:
    • {uuid} (for purity and ploidy)
    • {uuid}.gainloss.txt
    • {uuid}.diagram.pdf
  • Expression:
    • {uuid}.genes.results
  • Fusions:
    • {uuid}.arriba.fusions.tsv
    • {uuid}.STAR.fusion_predictions.abridged.coding_effect.tsv
  • Somatic Variants:
    • {uuid}.{lancet, mutect2, strelka2, vardict}_somatic.norm.annot.protected.maf
    • {uuid}.consensus_somatic.protected.maf
  • Germline Variants:
    • {uuid}.gatk.PASS.vcf.gz.hg38_multianno.txt.gz
  1. Download the following clinical information files and add data manually to data/manifest/manifest.xlsx
  • Files from Kids First DRC
    • PNOC008 Clinical Manifest (needed to map Research ID to ADAPT cohort_participant_id)

Note: None of these files have information on short_histology or broad_histology so currently it is being hard-coded HGAT and Diffuse astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumor, respectively.


Master script

run_OMPARE.R: Master script that runs the following scripts:

  1. code/create_project_dir.R: create project directory and organize files.
  2. code/create_clinfile.R: create clinical file for patient of interest.
  3. code/update_pnoc008_matrices.R: update PNOC008 data matrices (cnv, mutations, fusions, expression) with each new patient.
  4. OMPARE.Rmd: run html reports
  5. Sync back updated data folder to s3: aws s3 --profile Mgmt-Console-Dev-chopd3bprod@684194535433 sync data s3://d3b-bix-dev-data-bucket/PNOC008/data/ --exclude 'chembl/*'
  6. upload_reports.R: upload reports and output folders to PNOC008 data delivery project on cavatica.
        Patient identifier (PNOC008-22, C3342894...)

        Source directory with all files

        Manifest file (.xlsx)

        Sync reference data to s3 (TRUE or FALSE)

        Upload reports to cavatica (TRUE or FALSE)

        Study ID (PNOC008 or CBTN)

# Example for patient PNOC008-40
Rscript run_OMPARE.R \
--patient PNOC008-40 \
--sourcedir ~/Downloads/p40 \
--clin_file data/manifest/pnoc008_manifest.xlsx \
--sync_data TRUE \
--upload_reports FALSE \
--study PNOC008

Create project directory

code/create_project_dir.R: this script creates and organizes input files under results. Creates output folder to store all output for plots and tables reported and reports folder to store all html output.

Rscript code/create_project_dir.R --help

        Source directory with all files

        Destination directory.

# Example for patient PNOC008-40
Rscript code/create_project.R \
--sourcedir ~/Downloads/p40 \
--destdir /path-to/OMPARE/results/PNOC008-40

Create clinical file

code/create_clinfile.R: this script creates clinical file for patient of interest and stores under results/PNOC008-XX/clinical/.

Rscript code/create_clinfile.R --help

        PNOC008 Manifest file (.xlsx)

        Path to PNOC008 patient folder.

        Patient identifier for PNOC008. e.g. PNOC008-1, PNOC008-10 etc

# Example for patient PNOC008-40
Rscript code/create_clinfile.R \
--sheet /path-to/OMPARE/data/manifest/pnoc008_manifest.xlsx \
--patient PNOC008-40 \
--dir /path-to/OMPARE/results/PNOC008-40

NOTE: The above steps will create a directory structure for the patient of interest:

# Example for PNOC008-40
├── clinical
│   └── patient_report.txt
├── copy-number-variations
│   ├── {uuid}
│   ├── {uuid}.diagram.pdf
│   └── {uuid}.gainloss.txt
├── gene-expressions
│   └── {uuid}.rsem.genes.results.gz
├── gene-fusions
│   ├── {uuid}.STAR.fusion_predictions.abridged.coding_effect.tsv
│   └── {uuid}.arriba.fusions.tsv
├── output
├── reports
└── simple-variants
    ├── {uuid}.lancet_somatic.norm.annot.protected.maf
    ├── {uuid}.mutect2_somatic.norm.annot.protected.maf
    ├── {uuid}.strelka2_somatic.norm.annot.protected.maf
    ├── {uuid}.vardict_somatic.norm.annot.protected.maf
    ├── {uuid}.consensus_somatic.protected.maf
    └── {uuid}.gatk.PASS.vcf.gz.hg38_multianno.txt.gz

Update PNOC008 data matrices:

code/update_pnoc008_matrices.R: this script updates the 008 patient matrices (cnv, mutations, fusions, expression) by adding current patient of interest

Rscript code/update_pnoc008_matrices.R

# Running the script will update the following files:
├── pnoc008_clinical.rds
├── pnoc008_cnv_filtered.rds
├── pnoc008_consensus_mutation_filtered.rds
├── pnoc008_counts_matrix.rds
├── pnoc008_fpkm_matrix.rds
├── pnoc008_fusions_filtered.rds
├── pnoc008_tmb_scores.rds
├── pnoc008_tpm_matrix.rds
└── pnoc008_vs_gtex_brain_degs.rds

HTML reports:

Generate markdown report:

# patient_dir is the project directory of current patient
# set_title is the title for the report. (Optional)
# snv_pattern is one of the six values for simple variants: lancet, mutect2, strelka2, vardict, consensus, all (all four callers together)
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(input = 'OMPARE.Rmd',
params = list(patient_dir = patient_dir,
                set_title = set_title,
                snv_caller = snv_caller),
                output_dir = output_dir,
                intermediates_dir = output_dir,
                output_file = output_file, clean = TRUE)"

After running the reports, the project folder will have all output files with plots and tables under output and all html reports under reports:

├── drug_recommendations
│   ├── CEMITools
│   │   ├── beta_r2.pdf
│   │   ├── clustered_samples.rds
│   │   ├── diagnostics.html
│   │   ├── enrichment_es.tsv
│   │   ├── enrichment_nes.tsv
│   │   ├── enrichment_padj.tsv
│   │   ├── expected_counts_corrected.rds
│   │   ├── gsea.pdf
│   │   ├── hist.pdf
│   │   ├── hubs.rds
│   │   ├── interaction.pdf
│   │   ├── interactions.tsv
│   │   ├── mean_k.pdf
│   │   ├── mean_var.pdf
│   │   ├── module.tsv
│   │   ├── modules_genes.gmt
│   │   ├── ora.pdf
│   │   ├── ora.tsv
│   │   ├── parameters.tsv
│   │   ├── profile.pdf
│   │   ├── qq.pdf
│   │   ├── report.html
│   │   ├── sample_tree.pdf
│   │   ├── selected_genes.txt
│   │   ├── summary.rds
│   │   ├── summary_eigengene.tsv
│   │   ├── summary_mean.tsv
│   │   ├── summary_median.tsv
│   │   ├── umap_output.rds
│   │   └── umap_top_20_neighbors_output.rds
│   ├── GTExBrain_dsea_go_mf_output.html
│   ├── GTExBrain_dsea_go_mf_output.pdf
│   ├── GTExBrain_dsea_go_mf_output.txt
│   ├── GTExBrain_dsea_go_mf_output_files
│   ├── GTExBrain_qSig_output.txt
│   ├── GTExBrain_tsea_reactome_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_dsea_go_mf_output.html
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_dsea_go_mf_output.pdf
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_dsea_go_mf_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_dsea_go_mf_output_files
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_qSig_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_ALL_tsea_reactome_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_dsea_go_mf_output.html
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_dsea_go_mf_output.pdf
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_dsea_go_mf_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_dsea_go_mf_output_files
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_qSig_output.txt
│   ├── PBTA_HGG_tsea_reactome_output.txt
│   ├── {patient_id}_CHEMBL_drug-gene.tsv
│   ├── drug_dge_density_plots
│   │   ├── {gene}_drug_dge_density_plots.png
│   │   └── top_drug_dge_density_plots.pdf
│   ├── drug_pathways_barplot.pdf
│   ├── ora_plots.pdf
│   └── transcriptome_drug_rec.rds
├── drug_synergy
│   ├── combined_qSig_synergy_score.tsv
│   ├── combined_qSig_synergy_score_top10.pdf
│   ├── gtex_qSig_subnetwork_drug_gene_map.tsv
│   ├── gtex_qSig_synergy_score.tsv
│   ├── pbta_hgg_qSig_subnetwork_drug_gene_map.tsv
│   ├── pbta_hgg_qSig_synergy_score.tsv
│   ├── pbta_qSig_subnetwork_drug_gene_map.tsv
│   ├── pbta_qSig_synergy_score.tsv
│   ├── subnetwork_gene_drug_map.tsv
│   └── subnetwork_genes.tsv
├── filtered_germline_vars.rds
├── genomic_landscape_plots
│   └── circos_plot.png
├── immune_analysis
│   ├── immune_scores_adult.pdf
│   ├── immune_scores_adult.rds
│   ├── immune_scores_pediatric.pdf
│   ├── immune_scores_pediatric.rds
│   ├── immune_scores_topcor_pediatric.pdf
│   ├── immune_scores_topcor_pediatric.rds
│   ├── tis_scores.pdf
│   └── tis_scores.rds
├── oncogrid_analysis
│   └── complexheatmap_oncogrid.pdf
├── oncokb_analysis
│   ├── oncokb_cnv.txt
│   ├── oncokb_cnv_annotated.txt
│   ├── oncokb_fusion.txt
│   ├── oncokb_fusion_annotated.txt
│   ├── oncokb_{snv_caller}_annotated.txt
│   ├── oncokb_merged_{snv_caller}_annotated.txt
│   └── oncokb_merged_{snv_caller}_annotated_actgenes.txt
├── rnaseq_analysis
│   ├── {patient_id}_summary_DE_Genes_Down.txt
│   ├── {patient_id}_summary_DE_Genes_Up.txt
│   ├── {patient_id}_summary_Pathways_Down.txt
│   ├── {patient_id}_summary_Pathways_Up.txt
│   ├── diffexpr_genes_barplot_output.rds
│   ├── diffreg_pathways_barplot_output.rds
│   └── rnaseq_analysis_output.rds
├── survival_analysis
│   ├── kaplan_meier_adult.pdf
│   └── kaplan_meier_pediatric.pdf
├── tmb_analysis
│   ├── consensus_mpf_output.txt
│   ├── tmb_profile_output.rds
│   └── tumor_signature_output.rds
└── transcriptomically_similar_analysis
    ├── dim_reduction_plot_adult.rds
    ├── dim_reduction_plot_pediatric.rds
    ├── lollipop_recurrent_adult.pdf
    ├── lollipop_recurrent_pediatric.pdf
    ├── lollipop_shared_adult.pdf
    ├── lollipop_shared_pediatric.pdf
    ├── mutational_analysis_adult.rds
    ├── mutational_analysis_pediatric.rds
    ├── mutational_cnv_recurrent_adult.pdf
    ├── mutational_cnv_recurrent_pediatric.pdf
    ├── mutational_cnv_shared_adult.pdf
    ├── mutational_cnv_shared_pediatric.pdf
    ├── mutational_recurrent_adult.pdf
    ├── mutational_recurrent_pediatric.pdf
    ├── mutational_shared_adult.pdf
    ├── mutational_shared_pediatric.pdf
    ├── pathway_analysis_adult.pdf
    ├── pathway_analysis_adult.rds
    ├── pathway_analysis_pediatric.pdf
    ├── pathway_analysis_pediatric.rds
    ├── pbta_hgat_pnoc008_nn_table.rds
    ├── pbta_hgat_pnoc008_umap_output.rds
    ├── pbta_pnoc008_nn_table.rds
    ├── pbta_pnoc008_umap_output.rds
    ├── ssgsea_scores_pediatric.pdf
    ├── ssgsea_scores_pediatric.rds
    ├── tcga_gbm_pnoc008_nn_table.rds
    ├── tcga_pnoc008_umap_output.rds
    ├── transciptomically_similar_adult.rds
    └── transciptomically_similar_pediatric.rds

Upload to data-delivery project

upload_reports.R: this script uploads the files under reports and output folders to the data delivery project folder on cavatica.

    Rscript upload_reports.R --help

            Patient Identifier (PNOC008-22, etc...)

            PNOC008 or CBTN

    # Example run for PNOC008-40
    Rscript upload_reports.R \
    --patient PNOC008-40 \
    --study 'PNOC008'

Dependencies on specific hgg-dmg versions

These hgg-dmg files are 20201202-data version dependent:

└── 20201202-data
    ├── CC_based_heatmap_Distance_euclidean_finalLinkage_average_clusterAlg_KM_expct_counts_VST_cluster_and_annotation.tsv
    ├── pbta-hgat-dx-prog-pm-gene-counts-rsem-expected_count-uncorrected.rds
    └── pbta-histologies.tsv


OMics PAtient REport






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
