During this training, you'll learn how to deploy Konvoy and to use its main features:
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- 1. Deploy a Konvoy cluster
- 2. Expose a Kubernetes Application using a Service Type Load Balancer (L4)
- 3. Expose a Kubernetes Application using an Ingress (L7)
- 4. Leverage Network Policies to restrict access
- 5. Leverage persistent storage using CSI
- 6. Deploy Jenkins using Helm
- 7. Deploy Apache Kafka using KUDO
- 8. Scale a Konvoy cluster
- 9. Konvoy monitoring
- 10. Konvoy logging/debugging
- 11. Upgrade a Konvoy cluster
- 12. Destroy a Konvoy cluster
- Appendix 1. Setting up an external identity provider
You need either a Linux, MacOS or a Windows client with the ability to ssh to an AWS IP address.
Jumpservers have been deployed for each student with all prerequisites installed. First, go to the student data spreadsheet and select a host by entering your name. Then, download the ssh-private-key (id_rsa_student#) and change the file permissions. Finally, ssh to the ipaddress of your assigned jumpserver using the -i option to specify the identity file to be used. The username for the Jumpserver is "centos".
For Mac and Linux clients you must change the permission on the file.
chmod 400 id_rsa_student#
ssh -i id_rsa_student# centos@jumpserver-ip-address
Use the following steps to log in to PuTTY by using your SSH private key:
- Specify the IP address of your assigned jumpserver then enter a name for the session and click Save.
- Click Connection > Data in the left navigation pane and set the Auto-login username to "centos".
- Click Connection > SSH > Auth in the left navigation pane and configure the SSH private key to use by clicking Browse under Private key file for authentication.
- Navigate to the location where you saved your SSH private key file, select the file, and click Open.
- The file path for the SSH private key file now displays in the Private key file for authentication field.
- Click Session in the left navigation pane, then click Save in the Load, save or delete a stored session section.
- Click Open to begin your session with the server.
Use the Google Cloud Shell. (Requires a Google account) Once your Google Cloud Shell has started, you will have to copy the contents of you id_rsa_student#.pem file to a local file in the cloud shell. Then change the permission on the file and ssh into the jump host.
vi id_rsa_student#
chmod 400 id_rsa_student#
ssh -i id_rsa_student# centos@jumpserver-ip-address
- Deploy a Kubernetes cluster with all the addons you need to get a production ready container orchestration platform
- Configure kubectl to manage your cluster
There are many ways to deploy a kubernetes cluster from a fully manual procedure to using a fully automated or opinionated SaaS. Cluster sizes can also widely vary from a single node deployment on your laptop, to thousands of nodes in a single logical cluster, or even across multiple clusters. Thus, picking a deployment model that suits the scale that you need as your business grows is important.
Change directories into the lab directory:
cd ~/lab
Deploy your cluster using the command below:
konvoy up --yes
The output should be similar to:
This process will take about 15 minutes to complete (additional time may be required for larger clusters), do you want to continue [y/n]: y
STAGE [Provisioning Infrastructure]
Initializing provider plugins...
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
STAGE [Deploying Enabled Addons]
helm [OK]
dashboard [OK]
fluentbit [OK]
awsebscsiprovisioner [OK]
traefik [OK]
opsportal [OK]
kommander [OK]
prometheus [OK]
elasticsearch [OK]
dex [OK]
elasticsearchexporter [OK]
kibana [OK]
traefik-forward-auth [OK]
prometheusadapter [OK]
dex-k8s-authenticator [OK]
velero [OK]
STAGE [Removing Disabled Addons]
Kubernetes cluster and addons deployed successfully!
Run `konvoy apply kubeconfig` to update kubectl credentials.
Navigate to the URL below to access various services running in the cluster.
And login using the credentials below.
Username: goofy_einstein
Password: tUeARRKxM8PfrIy2cjFc1jI0Hr2I0duzlttr1LzRTKoDooQJ0d1yyutjNv4NLHvy
If the cluster was recently created, the dashboard and services may take a few minutes to be accessible.
If you get any error during the deployment of the addons (it can happen with network connectivity issues), then, you can run the following command to redeploy them:
konvoy deploy addons --yes
As soon as your cluster is successfully deployed, the URL and the credentials to access your cluster are displayed. When you lauch your dashboard URL in your browser the first screen will ask you to select "login or generate token", select login and use the credentials provided.
If you need to get this information later, you can execute the command below:
konvoy get ops-portal
Click on the Kubernetes Dashboard
icon to open it.
To configure kubectl to manage your cluster, you simply need to run the following command:
konvoy apply kubeconfig
You can check that the Kubernetes cluster has been deployed using the version 1.16.3
with 3 control nodes and 4 workers nodes
kubectl get nodes
The output should be similar to:
ip-10-0-129-247.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 10m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-129-41.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 10m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-129-88.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 10m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-130-84.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 10m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-193-118.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 11m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-193-232.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 12m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-194-21.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 13m v1.16.3
- Deploy a Redis pod and expose it using a Service Type Load Balancer (L4) and validate that the connection is exposed to the outside
- Deploy a couple hello-world applications and expose them using an Ingress service (L7) and validate that the connection is exposed to the outside
Exposing your application on a kubernetes cluster in an Enterprise-grade environment can be challenging to set up. With Konvoy, the integration with AWS cloud load balancer is already done by default and Traefik is deployed to allow you to easily create Ingresses.
Deploy a redis Pod on your Kubernetes cluster running the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: redis
name: redis
- name: redis
image: redis:5.0.3
- name: redis
containerPort: 6379
protocol: TCP
Then, expose the service, you need to run the following command to create a Service Type Load Balancer:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: redis
name: redis
type: LoadBalancer
app: redis
- protocol: TCP
port: 6379
targetPort: 6379
Finally, run the following command to see the URL of the Load Balancer created on AWS for this service:
kubectl get svc redis
The output should be similar to:
redis LoadBalancer a92b6c9216ccc11e982140acb7ee21b7-1453813785.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com 6379:31423/TCP 43s
You need to wait for a few minutes while the Load Balancer is created on AWS and the name resolution in place.
until nslookup $(kubectl get svc redis --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
sleep 1
You can validate that you can access the redis Pod from your laptop using telnet:
telnet $(kubectl get svc redis --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}) 6379
The output should be similar to:
Connected to a92b6c9216ccc11e982140acb7ee21b7-1453813785.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
If you don't have telnet
installed in your machine, you can use nc
Deploy 2 web application Pods on your Kubernetes cluster running the following command:
kubectl run --restart=Never --image hashicorp/http-echo --labels app=http-echo-1 --port 80 http-echo-1 -- -listen=:80 --text="Hello from http-echo-1"
kubectl run --restart=Never --image hashicorp/http-echo --labels app=http-echo-2 --port 80 http-echo-2 -- -listen=:80 --text="Hello from http-echo-2"
Then, expose the Pods with a Service Type NodePort using the following commands:
kubectl expose pod http-echo-1 --port 80 --target-port 80 --type NodePort --name "http-echo-1"
kubectl expose pod http-echo-2 --port 80 --target-port 80 --type NodePort --name "http-echo-2"
Finally create the Ingress to expose the application to the outside world using the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: echo
- host: "http-echo-1.com"
- backend:
serviceName: http-echo-1
servicePort: 80
- host: "http-echo-2.com"
- backend:
serviceName: http-echo-2
servicePort: 80
Go to the Traefik UI to check that new frontends have been created.
You can validate that you can access the web application Pods from your laptop using the following commands:
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-1.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-2.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
You can also set some Traefik annotations to use some advanced features as described in this document.
By default, all the pods can access all the services inside and outside the Kubernetes clusters and services exposed to the external world can be accessed by anyone. Kubernetes Network Policies can be used to restrict access.
When a Kubernetes cluster is deployed by Konvoy, a Calico cluster is automatically deployed on this cluster. It allows a user to define network policies without any additional configuration.
- Create a network policy to deny any ingress
- Check that the Redis and the http-echo apps aren't accessible anymore
- Create network policies to allow ingress access to these apps only
- Check that the Redis and the http-echo apps are now accessible
In many cases, you want to restrict communications between services. For example, you often want some micro services to be reachable only other specific micro services.
In this lab, we restrict access to ingresses, so you may think that it's useless as we can simply not expose these apps if we want to restrict access. But, in fact, it makes sense to also create network policies to avoid cases where an app is exposed by mistake.
Create a network policy to deny any ingress
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
Wait for a minute to allow the network policy to be activated and check that the Redis and the http-echo apps aren't accessible anymore
telnet $(kubectl get svc redis --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}) 6379
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-1.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-2.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
Create network policies to allow ingress access to these apps only
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
name: access-redis
app: redis
- from: []
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
name: access-http-echo-1
app: http-echo-1
- from: []
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
name: access-http-echo-2
app: http-echo-2
- from: []
Wait for a minute and check that the Redis and the http-echo apps are now accessible
telnet $(kubectl get svc redis --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}) 6379
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-1.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
curl -k -H "Host: http-echo-2.com" https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
Delete the network policy that denies any ingress
cat <<EOF | kubectl delete -f -
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
- Create a PersistentVolumeClaim (pvc) to use the AWS EBS CSI driver
- Create a service that will use this PVC and dynamically provision an EBS volume
- Validate persistence
The goal of CSI is to establish a standardized mechanism for Container Orchestration Systems to expose arbitrary storage systems to their containerized workloads. The CSI specification emerged from cooperation between community members from various Container Orchestration Systems including Kubernetes, Mesos, Docker, and Cloud Foundry.
By creating an industry standard interface, the CSI initiative sets ground rules in order to minimize user confusion. By providing a pluggable standardized interface, the community will be able to adopt and maintain new CSI-enabled storage drivers to their kubernetes clusters as they mature. Choosing a solution that supports CSI integration will allow your business to adopt the latest and greatest storage solutions with ease.
When Konvoy is deployed on AWS, a StorageClass
is created automatically as you can see below:
kubectl get sc awsebscsiprovisioner -o yaml
The output should be similar to:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
kubernetes.io/description: AWS EBS CSI provisioner StorageClass
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
creationTimestamp: "2019-08-12T10:43:23Z"
name: awsebscsiprovisioner
resourceVersion: "1573"
selfLink: /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/storageclasses/awsebscsiprovisioner
uid: 413745a0-ec52-4917-afb5-70bdf8f2a606
type: gp2
provisioner: ebs.csi.aws.com
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
Create the Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim using the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: dynamic
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: awsebscsiprovisioner
storage: 1Gi
Run the following command to check the status of the PersistentVolumeClaim
kubectl describe pvc dynamic
The output should be similar to:
Name: dynamic
Namespace: default
StorageClass: awsebscsiprovisioner
Status: Pending
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection]
Access Modes:
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal WaitForFirstConsumer 3s (x3 over 21s) persistentvolume-controller waiting for first consumer to be created before binding
Mounted By: <none>
As you can see, it is waiting for a Pod
to use it to provision the AWS EBS volume.
Create a Kubernetes Deployment that will use this PersistentVolumeClaim
using the following command:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: ebs-dynamic-app
app: ebs-dynamic-app
replicas: 1
app: ebs-dynamic-app
app: ebs-dynamic-app
- name: ebs-dynamic-app
image: centos:7
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "while true; do echo \$(date -u) >> /data/out.txt; sleep 5; done"]
- name: persistent-storage
mountPath: /data
- name: persistent-storage
claimName: dynamic
Run the following command until the pod is running:
kubectl get pods
Check the content of the file /data/out.txt
and note the first timestamp:
pod=$(kubectl get pods -l app=ebs-dynamic-app -o name)
kubectl exec -i $pod cat /data/out.txt
Delete the Pod using the following command (it will take some time to complete):
kubectl delete $pod
The Deployment will recreate the pod automatically.
Run the following command until the pod is running:
kubectl get pods
Check the content of the file /data/out.txt
and verify that the first timestamp is the same as the one noted previously:
pod=$(kubectl get pods -l app=ebs-dynamic-app -o name)
kubectl exec -i $pod cat /data/out.txt
Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
You can find many charts on the Helm Hub.
In this lab, we'll deploy the Jenkins Helm chart.
To deploy the chart, you need to run the following command:
helm install stable/jenkins --name jenkins --version 1.5.0 --set master.adminPassword=password
The output should be similar to:
NAME: jenkins
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug 7 17:21:32 2019
NAMESPACE: default
==> v1/ConfigMap
jenkins 5 1s
jenkins-tests 1 1s
==> v1/Deployment
jenkins 0/1 1 0 1s
==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim
jenkins Pending awsebscsiprovisioner 1s
==> v1/Pod(related)
jenkins-c79f457cb-ccttb 0/1 Pending 0 1s
==> v1/Role
jenkins-schedule-agents 1s
==> v1/RoleBinding
jenkins-schedule-agents 1s
==> v1/Secret
jenkins Opaque 2 1s
==> v1/Service
jenkins LoadBalancer <pending> 8080:30323/TCP 1s
jenkins-agent ClusterIP <none> 50000/TCP 1s
==> v1/ServiceAccount
jenkins 1 1s
Then, run the following command to get the URL of the Load Balancer created on AWS for this service:
kubectl get svc jenkins
The output should be similar to:
jenkins LoadBalancer a71b8025991124a90b2babf7ba2a75da-492974167.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com 8080:30323/TCP 16m
You need to wait for a few minutes while the Load Balancer is created on AWS and the name resolution in place.
until nslookup $(kubectl get svc jenkins --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname})
sleep 1
echo "Open http://$(kubectl get svc jenkins --output jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}):8080 to access the Jenkins UI"
Go to the URL displayed to access Jenkins.
Login with the user admin
and the password password
The Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator (KUDO) is a highly productive toolkit for writing operators for Kubernetes. Using KUDO, you can deploy your applications, give your users the tools they need to operate it, and understand how it's behaving in their environments — all without a PhD in Kubernetes.
Install the KUDO CLI (on Linux):
rm -f ~/.kudo/repository/repositories.yaml
wget https://github.com/kudobuilder/kudo/releases/download/v0.10.1/kubectl-kudo_0.10.1_linux_x86_64
sudo mv kubectl-kudo_0.10.1_linux_x86_64 /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kudo
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kudo
Uninstall the current version of KUDO deployed on Konvoy:
kubectl kudo init --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl delete -f -
Run the following commands to deploy KUDO on your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl kudo init
The output should be similar to:
$KUDO_HOME has been configured at /home/centos/.kudo.
✅ installed crds
✅ installed service accounts and other requirements for controller to run
✅ installed kudo controller
Check the status of the KUDO controller:
kubectl get pods -n kudo-system
The output should be similar to:
kudo-controller-manager-0 1/1 Running 0 84s
Deploy ZooKeeper using KUDO:
kubectl kudo install zookeeper --instance=zk --operator-version=0.3.0
Check the status of the deployment:
kubectl kudo plan status --instance=zk
The output should be similar to:
Plan(s) for "zk" in namespace "default":
└── zk (Operator-Version: "zookeeper-0.3.0" Active-Plan: "deploy")
├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ ├── Phase zookeeper (parallel strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ │ └── Step deploy [COMPLETE]
│ └── Phase validation (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ ├── Step validation [COMPLETE]
│ └── Step cleanup [COMPLETE]
└── Plan validation (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Phase connection (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
├── Step connection [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Step cleanup [NOT ACTIVE]
And check that the corresponding Pods are running:
kubectl get pods | grep zk
The output should be similar to:
zk-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 21m
zk-zookeeper-1 1/1 Running 0 21m
zk-zookeeper-2 1/1 Running 0 21m
Deploy Kafka 2.3.1 using KUDO (the version of the KUDO Kafka operator is 0.1.3):
kubectl kudo install kafka --instance=kafka -p ZOOKEEPER_URI=zk-zookeeper-0.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-1.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-2.zk-hs:2181 --operator-version=1.0.2
Check the status of the deployment:
kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka
The output should be similar to:
Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "default":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.0.2" Active-Plan: "deploy")
├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Step deploy [COMPLETE]
├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Phase deploy-mirror-maker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]
And check that the corresponding Pods are running:
kubectl get pods | grep kafka
The output should be similar to:
kafka-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 39s
kafka-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 58s
kafka-kafka-2 1/1 Running 0 118s
Produce messages in Kafka:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kudo-kafka-generator
replicas: 1
app: kudo-kafka-generator
name: kudo-kafka-generator
app: kudo-kafka-generator
- name: kudo-kafka-generator
image: mesosphere/flink-generator:0.1
command: ["/generator-linux"]
imagePullPolicy: Always
args: ["--broker", "kafka-kafka-0.kafka-svc:9092"]
Consume messages from Kafka:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kudo-kafka-consumer
replicas: 1
app: kudo-kafka-consumer
name: kudo-kafka-consumer
app: kudo-kafka-consumer
- name: kudo-kafka-consumer
image: tbaums/kudo-kafka-demo
imagePullPolicy: Always
value: kafka-kafka-0.kafka-svc:9092
Check the logs:
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -l app=kudo-kafka-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') --follow
The output should be similar to:
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:19Z;3;4;1071'
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:21Z;4;3;3095'
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:22Z;3;7;8639'
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:27Z;9;4;7861'
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:30Z;7;5;3594'
Message: b'2019-11-12T12:23:33Z;5;0;9985'
KUDO is creating CRDs (new objects) in Kubernetes and you can get information about these objects like you can get informations about pods, deployments, ...
Run this command to get the list of CRDs created by KUDO:
kubectl get crds | grep kudo
The output should be similar to:
instances.kudo.dev 2019-11-12T12:16:19Z
operators.kudo.dev 2019-11-12T12:16:19Z
operatorversions.kudo.dev 2019-11-12T12:16:19Z
Now list the KUDO instances running using the following command:
kubectl get instances.kudo.dev
The output should be similar to:
kafka 18m
zk 33m
And get information about the KUDO Kafka instance:
kubectl get instances.kudo.dev kafka -o yaml
The output should be similar to:
apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1beta1
kind: Instance
kudo.dev/last-applied-instance-state: '{"operatorVersion":{"name":"kafka-0.1.3"},"parameters":{"ZOOKEEPER_URI":"zk-zookeeper-0.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-1.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-2.zk-hs:2181"}}'
creationTimestamp: "2019-11-12T12:46:39Z"
generation: 3
controller-tools.k8s.io: "1.0"
kudo.dev/operator: kafka
name: kafka
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "81847"
selfLink: /apis/kudo.dev/v1beta1/namespaces/default/instances/kafka
uid: 6f289e56-86e7-40d2-8360-f8255678a801
name: kafka-1.0.2
ZOOKEEPER_URI: zk-zookeeper-0.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-1.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-2.zk-hs:2181
status: COMPLETE
lastFinishedRun: "2019-11-12T12:47:57Z"
name: deploy
- name: deploy-kafka
status: COMPLETE
- name: deploy
status: COMPLETE
status: COMPLETE
uid: e0ba11bf-d2d5-467b-b96c-c443aa0ba5ef
lastFinishedRun: null
name: not-allowed
- name: not-allowed
status: NEVER_RUN
- name: not-allowed
status: NEVER_RUN
status: NEVER_RUN
This is also the approach you take to delete a running instance (kubectl delete instances.kudo.dev kafka
), but you can keep it running.
Upgrade your Kafka cluster using the following command:
kubectl kudo upgrade kafka --operator-version=1.2.0 --instance kafka
The output should be similar to:
instance./kafka updated
Check the status of the upgrade:
kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka
The output should be similar to:
Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "default":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.2.0" Active-Plan: "deploy")
├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Step deploy [COMPLETE]
├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Phase deploy-mirror-maker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]
And get information about the upgraded KUDO Kafka instance:
kubectl get instances.kudo.dev kafka -o yaml
The output should be similar to:
apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1beta1
kind: Instance
kudo.dev/last-applied-instance-state: '{"operatorVersion":{"name":"kafka-1.0.0"},"parameters":{"ZOOKEEPER_URI":"zk-zookeeper-0.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-1.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-2.zk-hs:2181"}}'
creationTimestamp: "2019-11-12T12:46:39Z"
generation: 6
controller-tools.k8s.io: "1.0"
kudo.dev/operator: kafka
name: kafka
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "82826"
selfLink: /apis/kudo.dev/v1beta1/namespaces/default/instances/kafka
uid: 6f289e56-86e7-40d2-8360-f8255678a801
name: kafka-1.2.0
ZOOKEEPER_URI: zk-zookeeper-0.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-1.zk-hs:2181,zk-zookeeper-2.zk-hs:2181
status: COMPLETE
lastFinishedRun: "2019-11-12T12:51:03Z"
name: deploy
- name: deploy-kafka
status: COMPLETE
- name: deploy
status: COMPLETE
status: COMPLETE
uid: 6d4016db-71d2-42dc-a8b1-0a0473f84881
lastFinishedRun: null
name: not-allowed
- name: not-allowed
status: NEVER_RUN
- name: not-allowed
status: NEVER_RUN
status: NEVER_RUN
And check that the corresponding Pods have been replaced:
kubectl get pods | grep kafka
The output should be similar to:
kafka-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 77s
kafka-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 100s
kafka-kafka-2 1/1 Running 0 2m20s
kudo-kafka-consumer-6b4dd5cd59-r7svb 1/1 Running 0 28m
kudo-kafka-generator-d655d6dff-5pztl 1/1 Running 0 28m
You can also easily update the configuration of your Kafka cluster.
For example, you can add more brokers using the command below.
kubectl kudo update --instance kafka -p BROKER_COUNT=4
The output should be similar to:
Instance kafka was updated.
Check the status of the upgrade:
kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka
The output should be similar to:
Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "default":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.2.0" Active-Plan: "deploy")
├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
│ └── Step deploy [COMPLETE]
├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Phase deploy-mirror-maker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
│ └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
└── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]
And check that the corresponding Pods are running:
kubectl get pods | grep kafka
The output should be similar to:
kafka-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 70s
kafka-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 102s
kafka-kafka-2 1/1 Running 0 2m35s
kafka-kafka-3 1/1 Running 0 3m44s
kudo-kafka-consumer-6b4dd5cd59-r7svb 1/1 Running 0 33m
kudo-kafka-generator-d655d6dff-5pztl 1/1 Running 0 33m
Edit the cluster.yaml
file to change the worker count from 4 to 5:
- name: worker
count: 5
And run konvoy up --yes
Check that there are now 5 kubelets deployed:
kubectl get nodes
The output should be similar to:
ip-10-0-129-21.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 45m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-129-33.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 2m2s v1.16.3
ip-10-0-130-39.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 45m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-131-155.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 45m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-131-252.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 45m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-194-48.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 48m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-194-91.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 46m v1.16.3
ip-10-0-195-21.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 47m v1.16.3
In Konvoy, all the metrics are stored in a Prometheus cluster and exposed through Grafana.
To access the Grafana UI, click on the Grafana Metrics
icon on the Konvoy UI.
Take a look at the different Dashboards available.
You can also access the Prometheus UI to see all the metrics available by clicking on the Prometheus
icon on the Konvoy UI.
The KUDO Kafka operator comes by default with the JMX Exporter agent enabled.
When Kafka operator deployed with parameter METRICS_ENABLED=true
(which defaults to true
) then:
- Each broker bootstraps with JMX Exporter java agent exposing the metrics at
- Adds a port named
to the Kafka Service - Adds a label
kubeaddons.mesosphere.io/servicemonitor: "true"
for the service monitor discovery.
Run the following command to enable Kafka metrics export:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kudobuilder/operators/master/repository/kafka/docs/v1.0/resources/service-monitor.yaml
In the Grafana UI, click on the + sign on the left and select Import
Copy the content of this file as shown in the picture below.
Click on Load
Select Prometheus
in the Prometheus
field and click on Import
In Konvoy, all the logs are stored in an Elasticsearch cluster and exposed through Kibana.
To access the Kibana UI, click on the Kibana Logs
icon on the Konvoy UI.
By default, it only shows the logs for the latest 15 minutes.
Click on the top right corner and select Last 24 hours
Then, search for redis
You'll see all the logs related to the redis Pod and Service you deployed previously.
In this section, we will leverage Konvoy logging to troubleshoot Ingress failure issue.
We will deploy a nginx application and expose it via L7 loadbalancer. The application can be accessed with URLs follows below patten.
http[s]://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}")/applications/nginx/
- 1st, let's deploy a nginx application and scale it to 3
kubectl run --image=nginx --replicas=3 --port=80 --restart=Always nginx
- 2nd, expose a in cluster service
kubectl expose deploy nginx --port 8080 --target-port 80 --type NodePort --name "svc-nginx"
- 3rd, create a ingress to expose service via Layer7 LB
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: nginx-root
namespace: default
- http:
- backend:
serviceName: svc-nginx
servicePort: 8080
path: /applications/nginx/
- 4th, Now check Ingress configure in Traefik
The Traefik dashboard
indicates the nginx application is ready to receive traffic but if you try access nginx with URL listed below, you will notice 404 Not Found
error like:
curl -k https://$(kubectl get svc traefik-kubeaddons -n kubeaddons --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}")/applications/nginx/
Don't forget the trailing slash at the end of the URL. Otherwise, you won't generate a 404 error.
Let's troubleshoot this failure with Konvoy Kibana.
With Konvoy Kibana's near real time log collection and indexing, we can easily identify the ingress traffic was eventually handled by a pod kubernetes.pod_name:nginx-755464dd6c-dnvp9
in nginx service. The log also gave us more information on the failure, "GET /applications/nginx/ HTTP/1.1" 404
, which tell us that nginx can't find resource at path /applications/nginx/
That is neat! Because w/o Kibana, you wouldn't know which Pod in our nginx service handles this request. (Our nginx deployment example launched 3 Pods to serve HTTP request) Not mention if there are multiple nginx service exists in the same K8s cluster but hosted at different namespace.
To fix this failure requires some knownledge on Nginx configuration. In general, when nginx is launched with default configuration, it serves a virtual directory on its ROOT
path (/)
. When receives HTTP requests, the nginx walk through its virtual directory to return back resources to the client.
In terms of our example, the Ingress
configuration we submitted to k8s was configured to a path at /applications/nginx/
. The traefik
ingress controller sees this Ingress configuration
and forwards any resource request at path /applications/nginx/
to the down stream nginx service at the same path. The pod kubernetes.pod_name:nginx-755464dd6c-dnvp9
received this request but nginx instance in this pod failed to locate any resource under path /applications/nginx/
. That is the reason we saw this failure, "GET /applications/nginx/ HTTP/1.1" 404
You can, of course, configure nginx instance to serve resources at path /applications/nginx/
. But an alternative solution is leverage traefik
to strip PATH /applications/nginx/
to ROOT (/)
before route requests to nginx.
According to Traefik
documentation PathPrefixStrip, the annotation (traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/rule-type)
is exactly what we need to direct traefik to strip ingress HOST PATH to ROOT PATH forementioned.
To update Ingress
, we can use below command.
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip
name: nginx-root
namespace: default
- http:
- backend:
serviceName: svc-nginx
servicePort: 8080
path: /applications/nginx/
Edit the cluster.yaml
file to change the Kubernetes version from 1.16.3
to 1.16.4
in the 2 corresponding fields:
version: 1.16.4
konvoy up --yes --upgrade --force-upgrade
The output should be similar to:
This process will take about 15 minutes to complete (additional time may be required for larger clusters)
STAGE [Provisioning Infrastructure]
Initializing provider plugins...
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.
random_id.id: Refreshing state... (ID: jKY)
No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your
configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no
actions need to be performed.
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
cluster_name = konvoy_v1.1.1-8ca6
vpc_id = vpc-0941bb098eb24080d
STAGE [Running Preflights]
STAGE [Determining Upgrade Safety]
ip-10-0-193-118.us-west-2.compute.internal [OK]
ip-10-0-193-232.us-west-2.compute.internal [OK]
ip-10-0-194-21.us-west-2.compute.internal [OK]
ip-10-0-128-239.us-west-2.compute.internal [WARNING]
- All replicas of the ReplicaSet "default/nginx-7c45b84548" are running on this node.
ip-10-0-128-64.us-west-2.compute.internal [WARNING]
- Pod "default/jenkins-c79f457cb-vrjjq" is using EmptyDir volume "plugins", which is unsafe for upgrades.
- Pod "default/jenkins-c79f457cb-vrjjq" is using EmptyDir volume "tmp", which is unsafe for upgrades.
- Pod "default/jenkins-c79f457cb-vrjjq" is using EmptyDir volume "plugin-dir", which is unsafe for upgrades.
- Pod "default/jenkins-c79f457cb-vrjjq" is using EmptyDir volume "secrets-dir", which is unsafe for upgrades.
- Pod "default/http-echo-2" is not being managed by a controller. Upgrading this node might result in data or availability loss.
- Pod managed by ReplicaSet "default/jenkins-c79f457cb" is running on this node, and the ReplicaSet does not have a replica count greater than 1.
- All replicas of the ReplicaSet "default/jenkins-c79f457cb" are running on this node.
- Pod managed by ReplicaSet "default/kudo-kafka-generator-d655d6dff" is running on this node, and the ReplicaSet does not have a replica count greater than 1.
- All replicas of the ReplicaSet "default/kudo-kafka-generator-d655d6dff" are running on this node.
ip-10-0-129-247.us-west-2.compute.internal [WARNING]
- Pod "default/http-echo-1" is not being managed by a controller. Upgrading this node might result in data or availability loss.
- Pod managed by StatefulSet "kudo-system/kudo-controller-manager" is running on this node, and the StatefulSet does not have a replica count greater than 1.
ip-10-0-129-41.us-west-2.compute.internal [OK]
ip-10-0-129-88.us-west-2.compute.internal [WARNING]
- Pod managed by ReplicaSet "default/ebs-dynamic-app-68b598758" is running on this node, and the ReplicaSet does not have a replica count greater than 1.
- All replicas of the ReplicaSet "default/ebs-dynamic-app-68b598758" are running on this node.
ip-10-0-130-84.us-west-2.compute.internal [WARNING]
- Pod managed by ReplicaSet "default/kudo-kafka-consumer-6b4dd5cd59" is running on this node, and the ReplicaSet does not have a replica count greater than 1.
- All replicas of the ReplicaSet "default/kudo-kafka-consumer-6b4dd5cd59" are running on this node.
- Pod "default/redis" is not being managed by a controller. Upgrading this node might result in data or availability loss.
STAGE [Upgrading Kubernetes]
PLAY [Upgrade Nodes] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [kubeadm-upgrade-nodes : drain node] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [ -> ec2-54-191-70-155.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com]
STAGE [Deploying Enabled Addons]
helm [OK]
dashboard [OK]
awsebscsiprovisioner [OK]
opsportal [OK]
fluentbit [OK]
traefik [OK]
kommander [OK]
elasticsearch [OK]
prometheus [OK]
traefik-forward-auth [OK]
dex [OK]
prometheusadapter [OK]
kibana [OK]
elasticsearchexporter [OK]
velero [OK]
dex-k8s-authenticator [OK]
STAGE [Removing Disabled Addons]
Kubernetes cluster and addons deployed successfully!
Run `konvoy apply kubeconfig` to update kubectl credentials.
Navigate to the URL below to access various services running in the cluster.
And login using the credentials below.
Username: angry_williams
Password: TNFGnFrZjhqaF0SNLoCzN3gvqrEsviTYxvMyuPv8KHU13ob6eNa0N7LfSVhd07Xk
If the cluster was recently created, the dashboard and services may take a few minutes to be accessible.
If there is any error during the upgrade, run the konvoy up --yes --upgrade --force-upgrade
again. It can happen when the drain
command times out.
Without the --force-upgrade
flag, the Kubernetes nodes that have under replicated pods wouldn't be upgraded.
Check the version of Kubernetes:
kubectl get nodes
The output should be similar to:
ip-10-0-129-21.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 80m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-129-33.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 36m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-130-39.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 80m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-131-155.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 80m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-131-252.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 80m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-194-48.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 82m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-194-91.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 81m v1.16.4
ip-10-0-195-21.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 82m v1.16.4
Check that the Jenkins
and the ebs-dynamic-app
apps are still accessible.
The Redis
and the http-echo
apps aren't running anymore as they haven't been deployed using a deployment
When you run konvoy down, the command removes all of the AWS infrastructure resources create for the cluster, including any volumes that are backing PersistentVolumesClaims with a Delete ReclaimPolicy.
To completely remove Konvoy cluster resources:
Change to the directory that contains your cluster’s state files, then run the following command:
konvoy down --yes
The konvoy down command then begins removing cluster resources by deleting load balancers, security groups and volumes. It deletes these resources using the AWS API to ensure they are deleted quickly.
After konvoy down removes these resources, it uses Terraform to delete the resources created by the konvoy up command and Terraform provisioning.
Your Konvoy cluster contains a Dex instance which serves as an identity broker and allows you to integrate with Google's OAuth.
Google's OAuth 2.0 APIs can be used for both authentication and authorization.
Go to Google’s developer console and create a project.
Select that project.
In the Credentials tab of that project start with setting up the OAuth consent screen.
Indicate an Application name
and add the DNS name via which your Konvoy cluster is publicly reachable (<public-cluster-dns-name>
) into Authorized domains
Save the OAuth consent screen configuration.
Press Create credentials, select OAuth client ID, and then Web application.
Under Authorized redirect URIs insert https://<public-cluster-dns-name>/dex/callback
Don't forget to hit ENTER when setting up oauth in the google console for the redirect url and other fields, otherwise the values are not saved if you just hit the save button.
Save the configuration and note down the client ID and the client secret.
Run the following command (after inserting your email address) to provide admin rights to your Google account:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
name: admin-binding
- kind: User
name: <your Google email>
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
Edit the cluster.yaml
file and update the dex
section as below:
- name: dex
enabled: true
values: |
- type: oidc
id: google
name: Google Accounts
issuer: https://accounts.google.com
clientID: <client ID>
clientSecret: <client secret>
redirectURI: https://<public-cluster-dns-name>/dex/callback
userIDKey: email
userNameKey: email
And run konvoy up --yes
again to apply the change.
When the update is finished, Go to https://<public-cluster-dns-name>/token
and login with your Google Account.
Follow the instructions in the page, but use the command below in the second step to get the right value for the server
kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-cluster \
--certificate-authority=${HOME}/.kube/certs/kubernetes-cluster/k8s-ca.crt \
--server=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath={.clusters[*].cluster.server})
Run the following command to check that you can administer the Kubernetes cluster with your Google account:
kubectl get nodes