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Michael Lyle edited this page Jul 17, 2017 · 28 revisions

The process

  • Ensure the AndroidGCS AndroidManifest.xml is bumped to the current version before beginning the checklist.

  • Prepare the tag and push to a release branch (as appropriate, based on what process has been followed on this branch to date.

    git fetch upstream
    git checkout upstream/next
    git checkout -b codename
    git push upstream codename
    git tag -a Release-YYYYDDMM       [date in UTC, give an appropriate descriptive message]
    git push upstream Release-YYYYDDMM

The git tag format used for releases is Release-yyyymmdd, optionally with a suffix .[0-9] to make it clear that a build is fundamentally a hotfix or corrected build.

  • Trigger the build

Specify the tag name

  • Write the release notes for the tag on Github
  • Download and upload the artifacts (yuck)

  • Use package/ to tag the artifacts with pretty names. It takes --help. Need a appropriate github token.

  • Confirm artifacts, etc.

  • Instruct Jenkins to preserve the build forever.

  • Update the topic on IRC

  • Close or move remaining bugs into next release, as appropriate.

  • Update the Releases page.

  • Sign and upload the AGCS artifact to the Play store.

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore dronin.keystore androidgcs-neat-unsigned.apk dronin
tools/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign -v 4 androidgcs-neat-unsigned.apk androidgcs-neat.apk
  • Append the githash to the UAVO_GIT_VERSIONS in the makefile so that future versions of AndroidGCS will work with this release.

  • Stage commits like this: first on preview builds, then on past release builds.

  • Remove all "possible hotfix" tags from closed issues/PRs, because there is an official release with them.

  • Remove all previous releases that are superseded by hotfixes. E.g. if you are shipping 20161004, delete 20160720 because 20160720.1 exists.

The background-- jenkins installation, what's involved..

  • An appropriate .bash_profile -- executable (sigh), empty on linux/mac, built from Windows build procedure on Windows
  • A checked-out repo with appropriate tools somewhere. Symlinked from its tool directory, /dronin-tools ... Use appropriate magic on windows with mklink (something like cmd //c mklink //j /dronin-tools tools )
  • A configuration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<matrix-project plugin="[email protected]">
  <description>dRonin Branch Builds</description>
      <strategy class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
    <com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty plugin="[email protected]">
          <description>Branch name or SHA to build on.</description>
  <scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM" plugin="[email protected]">
        <refspec>+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*</refspec>
    <submoduleCfg class="list"/>
      <spec># 5:03 every day
3 5 * * *</spec>
    <org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbTrigger plugin="[email protected]">
      <spec>H/5 * * * *</spec>
      <adminlist>mlyle tracernz pug398</adminlist>
      <cron>H/5 * * * *</cron>
      <triggerPhrase>.*build artifacts please.*</triggerPhrase>
          <triggeredStatus>triggered building artifacts</triggeredStatus>
          <startedStatus>artifacts building</startedStatus>
              <message>artifacts built</message>
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

if echo &quot;$NODE_NAME&quot; | grep &quot;winx86&quot; ; then
  mkdir -p build
  cmd //c rmdir //q //s build

git clean -f -d -x -e tools</command>
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

rm -f tools

if echo &quot;$NODE_NAME&quot; | grep &quot;winx86&quot; ; then
cmd //c mklink //j tools /dronin-tools
ln -s /dronin-tools tools
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

git reset --hard</command>
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

GCS_BUILD_CONF=release FLIGHT_BUILD_CONF=release make -j3 all package_flight</command>
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

if [ &quot;$NODE_NAME&quot; = &quot;master&quot; ] ; then
  make -j3 androidgcs
  ANDROIDGCS_BUILD_CONF=release make -j3 androidgcs
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

if [ &quot;$NODE_NAME&quot; = &quot;master&quot; ] ; then
  make all_ut_run
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

if echo &quot;$NODE_NAME&quot; | grep &quot;winx86&quot; ; then
  # Presently not supported on Windows
  EXPORT_SYMBOLS=YES make package_all_compress
  make package_all_compress
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

make package_installer</command>
      <command>. ~/.bash_profile

mkdir -p build/artifacts
mv build/dronin*.zip build/dronin*.xz build/dRonin*.exe build/*.dmg build/dronin*.deb build/artifacts || true
mv build/package-*/dronin*.deb build/package-*/dRonin*.exe build/package-*/d*.dmg build/artifacts || true
mv build/dronin-*-breakpad.tar.xz  build/dronin-* dronin-*-symbols.tar.xz dronin-* build/artifacts || true
mv build/androidgcs/bin/androidgcs*.apk build/artifacts || true

rm -f tools</command>
    <org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.PostBuildScript plugin="[email protected]">
          <command>if [ &quot;x$ghprbPullId&quot; != &quot;x&quot; ] ; then
    <hudson.plugins.ircbot.IrcPublisher plugin="[email protected]">
      <targets class="empty-list"/>
      <buildToChatNotifier class="" plugin="[email protected]"/>
  <executionStrategy class="hudson.matrix.DefaultMatrixExecutionStrategyImpl">

# ghprbTriggerAuthorLoginMention
# ghprbPullId

import json
import requests

from os import environ

owner = 'd-ronin'
repo = 'dRonin'
issue = 356


url = ''%(owner, repo, environ['ghprbPullId'])

buildUrl = environ['BUILD_URL'] + 'Nodes=%s/artifact/build/artifacts/'

builders = { "windows" : "winx86-neo", "linux-x86_64" : "master", "macosx" : "osx" }

body = "Artifacts built, by request of %s\n\n" % (environ['ghprbTriggerAuthorLoginMention'])

for b in builders.keys():
    body += "* [%s](%s)\n"%(b, buildUrl%(builders[b]))

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('dronin-ci', token)

payload = { 'body' : body }

print "Posting to %s" % (url)

print "Body : %s" % (json.dumps(payload))

r =, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=auth)

print r

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