Timelapse Bash Script
This two Mac OS bash scripts are made for take timed screenshots and put them together in a video.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The License is WTFPL (see LICENSE.txt).
- Take screenshots by custom interval.
- Custom screenshot's resolution and quality. (It's means support Retina screen.)
- Gather screenshots to create a video.
- System: Mac OS X (10.8 or later)
- screencapture (built in to Mac OS X)
- ImageMagick
- ffmpeg
to start recorder.
'Ctrl+C' to stop.
to make the video.
In file recorder.sh
- Change screenshot's qulity by change "-quality 80%" in line 21.
- Change screenshot's resolution by change "-resize 800x600" to what you want value like: "-resize 1024x768" or "-resize 100%"
- Change screenshot capture interval by change "sleep 1;", default is take screenshot every 1 seconds.
In file make_video.sh
- To keep the screenshots after created the video, comments the line: rm output/screen/*.jpg
- Change the result vedio fps by change "ffmpeg -r 24" default is 24 fps.
This project crate by chengzhi yang.
Actually this project is modify from osx-timelapse(written by Patrick Ward) for support high resolution screen such as Retina screen.