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Changelog Chrome

Czarek Tomczak edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 10 revisions

This page is DEPRECATED and kept only for archive reasons. Since v47 release notes are provided in releases/.

Release notes for PHP Desktop Chrome.

Version 31.9 - Release Candidate.

  • Added the main window "always_on_top" option, see Issue #98
  • Added the web server "hide_files" option, see Issue #17

Version 39.2 - Release Candidate.

  • Updated to Chrome 39.0.2171.36 (CEF branch 2171 revision 1902). See Issue #146.
  • Added the main window "always_on_top" option, see Issue #98
  • Added the web server "hide_files" option, see Issue #17

Version 33.0 - Release Candidate.

  • This release is largely motivated by the donation made by TK Dewjee, so say thanks to him
  • Updated to Chrome 33.0.1750.170 (CEF branch 1750 revision 1805). See Issue #147.
  • Updated to PHP 5.4.35

Version 31.8 released on November 21, 2014.

  • Added support for pretty urls with basic url rewriting for 404 errors (Issue #81). See the ["web_server"]["404_handler"] option on the Settings wiki page.
  • Fixed Mongoose environment variables: REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF, SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_FILENAME, PATH_TRANSLATED (Issue #137)
  • Fixed -400 loading error when navigating Back and Forward in history after a POST request was made (Issue #138)
  • Fixed problems when OS environment variables exceed 4KB in size (Issue #128)
  • Added missing CGI environment variables: %windir% and many others. See Issue #136.

Version 31.7 released on October 3, 2014.

  • Updated php versions in binary releases: PHP 5.6.1 and 5.4.33
  • Added more examples to the www/ directory
  • php.exe is now bundled along with php-cgi.exe (Issue #96)
  • Fixed false positive result on for PHP 5.5.8 release by replacing it with PHP 5.6.1 (Issue #122)

Version 31.6 released on February 1, 2014.

  • Fixed buggy drawing of the popup window on Win XP (Issue #72).
  • When PHP fails due to unicode path issue, do not display the "No input file specified" message in browser window. Instead display a message about the unicode problem and how to solve it, then terminate application immediately (Issue #74).
  • Fixed problems when the temp directory returned by OS contained unicode characters. In such case phpdesktop will try other fallbacks like "C:\Windows\Temp" among others (Issue #71).

Verion 31.5 released on January 26, 2014.

  • Added the "context_menu" option in the settings.json file. See the Chrome settings wiki page (Issue #67).
  • When there is an error while opening/parsing the settings.json file, application will display a message about the error and terminate immediately.
  • Fixed error handling when a firewall blocks loading of the main webpage on application startup. A message is displayed to the user to check his firewall settings.

Version 31.4 released on January 25, 2014.

  • Added ability to download files. New option "enable_downloads" added to the settings.json file. Added the download.php example. (Issue #65)
  • Exposed PHP Desktop API to javascript, see the Javascript API wiki page. Added the javascript-api.php example. Exposed the ToggleFullscreen() and GetVersion() methods (Issue #38, Issue #66).
  • Fixed issues with web server port conflicts. When web server listening port is set to 0 in settings.json, OS will assign a random free port. Multiple instances of phpdesktop applications may now be running simultenously without problems (Issue #9).
  • Fixed long path causing error when spawning CGI process (Issue #63)
  • Fixed mongoose webserver issues when unicode characters are in path
  • Added the "remote_debugging_port" option to settings.json. When set to 0 it will generate a random port. Use this option now instead of the "remote-debugging-port" command line switch.
  • Added the --cgi-environment argument that can be passed to the phpdesktop executable to pass arbitrary environment variables to PHP scripts. See the Command line arguments wiki page. See Issue #43.
  • Added the "start_maximized" option to settings.json (Issue #24).
  • Added the PHPDESKTOP_VERSION environment variable. You can access it through $_ENV global variable.
  • Added the temp-dir.php example
  • Added the "cgi_temp_dir" option to settings.json (Issue #70).
  • Added the "start_fullscreen" setting

Version 31.3 released on January 22, 2014.

  • Fixed the temp directory problems, including upload and session problems (see Issue #39, Issue #23).
  • Fixed application crash when the main window was closed before closing the popup window.
  • Fixed icons not being set for popup windows.
  • Fixed the SERVER_NAME env variable (was ""), it is now set to the ip address that server listens on.
  • Added the upload and session examples (Issue #41).
  • Added new settings "center_relative_to_parent" and "default_size" for popup windows.
  • Added the no-cache example.

Version 31.2 released on January 21, 2014.

  • Fixed the Developer Tools window not loading on Win8 (Issue #60).

Version 31.1 released on January 21, 2014.

Version 31.0 released on January 19, 2014.

  • Initial release (See Issue #1)
  • Includes Chrome version 31.0.1650.57
  • Application is DPI-aware, see the "dpi_aware" setting on the Settings wiki page.
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