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This projects is a proof-of-concept for a multi-tenant REST based API. The API is secured using OAUTH2 and therefore acts as an OAUTH2 resource server. The goal of this project is to demonstrate how a REST API can support multi-tenant with respect to delagated authorization.

There are two types of objects that can be managed by this API:

  • Company
  • User

There are 3 basic security roles that a user can have:

  • ROLE_SUPERADMIN - Allowed to do anything
  • ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:[COMPANY] - A client with this role is able to perform adminstrative functions on the company to which the roles is assigned.
  • ROLE_USER:[USER] - A client with this role is able to perform administrative functions on the user to which the role is assigned.


The data is stored in a mysql table and sample data is included and loaded as part of the launch of the SpringBoot application. The two files that store the data are in src/main/resources:

  • schema.sql - The database schema
  • data.sql - The data

Available user accounts

Company User
ACME acme-user 1
ACME acme-user 2
ACME acme-user 3
INITECH initech-user 1
INITECH initech-user 2
INITECH initech-user 3


Data flows from the database to the controller in the following manner:

Repository -> Model -> Mapper -> DTO -> Controller


The following endpoints are exposed.

URL METHOD Description Example
/company GET List all companies
/company POST Create a company
/company/{companyid} GET Get the details of the specified company /company/acme
/company/{companyid}/user POST Create a new user for the specified company /company/acme/user
/company/{companyid}/user/{userid} GET Get the details for the specified user /company/acme/user/acme-user1

Authenticating to the service

This project is acting as an OAUTH2 resource server. As such an OAUTH2 bearer token is required. Since JWT tokens are not being used, the OAUTH RS must be able to contact the OAUTH AS to validate the tokens.

The OAUTH2 authorization server (AS) is available as a separate project and must be running separately on port 8081. The authorization service must be running so that the resource server can validate and obtain information on the user.

Obtaining an access token

Using a testing tool like SoapUI, Advanced REST client or POSTMAN, a HTTP POST request must be made to the authorization server running on port 8081.

HEADER: Authorization: Basic bXlhcHA6c2VjcmV0
URL: http://localhost:8081/oauth/token?client_id=myapp&grant_type=password&scope=read&[email protected]&password=secret

This should return a HTTP 200 and an access token. For example:

"access_token": "4da99d56-59f4-47b1-a066-79d3cf4d4af3",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "c680406d-80ad-4fa6-8e33-aa6f05024e99",
"expires_in": 3033,
"scope": "read"

Using the token to access the service

Using the testing tool, a HTTP request is made to the resource server running on port 8082.

HEADER: Authorization: Bearer 4da99d56-59f4-47b1-a066-79d3cf4d4af3
URL: http://localhost:8082/resource-server/company/acme/user/acme-user1

This performs obtains the details on ACME-USER1.

User accounts

The following shows the available users and their roles.

User Roles
[email protected] ROLE_SUPERADMIN
[email protected] ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:ACME
[email protected] ROLE_USER:ACME-USER1
[email protected] ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1
[email protected] ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER2

The password for each of these user acocunts is secret.



Users authenticate to the sample OAUTH AS to obtain a JWT based access token.


The OAUTH AS assigned roles/granted authorities for the user. These are evaluated when accessing the various controllers. The following table desribes the required roles:

Company Add X
Company Edit X X
Company Delete X
User Add X X
User Edit X X X
User Delete X X

A ROLE_SUPERUSER is a static role that grants global rights across all objects. The ROLE_COMPANYAMDIN and ROLE_USER rights are assigned to particular objects. For example:

  • ROLE_COMPANYAMDIN:INITECH - This grants the client access to perform any action that requires the ROLE_COMPANYAMDIN role but only against the INITECH company.
  • ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 - This grants the client access to perform any action that requires the ROLE_USER role but only against USER1 of the INITECH company.

This is currently implemented in the controller using the @PreAuthorize annotation. It directs the framework to call the RoleChecker.hasValidRole() method passing in the value of the company and user that are being passed on the query string.

Field level security

The granted roles extend beyond the actions that can be performed against the controller. Specific fields in the object can only be modified based on the role of the user. The following tables describes the necessary roles:

Company name X X X
Company contactName X X X X
Company contactEmail X X X X
Company maxAccounts X X X
Company maxsize X X
User companyName X X X
User login X X X X
User password X X X X X X
User quota X X X X
User enabled X X X X X

This is is currently implemented in the mapper classes that ModelDTOMapper class. It uses reflections to copy data from the entity to the DTO or vise-versa and analyzes the ModelMapper annotations on the properties of the DTO class. For example:

public class UserDTO {
	protected String companyName;
    protected String login;
    protected String password;

    @ModelMapper(readRoles = {"ROLE_SUPERADMIN"}, writeRoles = {"ROLE_SUPERADMIN"} )
    protected Long quota;

    @ModelMapper(readRoles = {"ROLE_SUPERADMIN"}, writeRoles = {"ROLE_SUPERADMIN"} )
    protected Boolean enabled;

The solution should be generic and ideally use annotations on the DTO. Logic should not be built-in to the program using if statements.


OAUTH tests

The purpose of the following tests is to ensure the controller performs the necessary access control checks. The tests should emulate the prinicipal and roles that would have been granted by the OAUTH2 bearer token.

Object Test Expected Result
Company List all companies with role ROLE_SUPERADMIN Successfully retrieve all 2 companies
Company List all companies with role ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH Success and result should only contain INITECH
Company List all companies with roles ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH and ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:ACME Successful and result should only contain INITECT and ACME and not UMBRELLA
Company List all companies with role ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 Access denied
Company Create a new company with role ROLE_SUPERADMIN Company is successfully created
Company Create a new company with role ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH Access denied
Company Create a new company with role ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 Access denied
Company Retreive (get) the INITECH company with role ROLE_SUPERADMIN Success and all fields are present
Company Retreive (get) the INITECH company with role ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH Success and fields maxAccounts and maxsize are null
Company Retreive (get) the INITECH company with role ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:ACME Access denied
Company Retreive (get) the INITECH company with role ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 Access denied
Company Edit field maxAccounts of company object INITECH as ROLE_SUPERUSER Success
Company Edit field maxAccounts of company object INITECH as ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH Access Denied
Company Edit field maxAccounts of company object INITECH as ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:ACME Access Denied
Company Edit field maxAccounts of company object INITECH as ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 Access Denied
Company Edit field contactEmail of company object INITECH as ROLE_SUPERUSER Success
Company Edit field contactEmail of company object INITECH as ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:INITECH Success
Company Edit field contactEmail of company object INITECH as ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:ACME Access Denied
Company Edit field contactEmail of company object INITECH as ROLE_USER:INITECH-USER1 Access Denied

Field security tests

The objective of these tests is to ensure the field level security properly works.

Object Test Expected Result
Company Get company as ROLE_SUPERADMIN Success and all 5 attributes (name, contactName, contactEmail, maxAccounts, maxSize) are visible
Company Get company as ROLE_COMPANYADMIN:[COMPANY] Success but the maxSize attribute is null or missing
Company Update contactEmail for a company as ROLE_SUPERADMIN Success
Company Update maxAccounts for a company as ROLE_SUPERADMIN Success
Company Update maxSize for a company as ROLE_SUPERADMIN Success
Company Update contactEmail for a company as ROLE_COMPANYADMIMN:[COMPANY] Success
Company Update maxAccounts for a company as ROLE_COMPANYADMIMN:[COMPANY] Access denied
Company Update maxSize for a company as ROLE_COMPANYADMIMN:[COMPANY] Access denied

To Do

The primary items that are required are:

  • Upgrade to latest spring-boot (1.5.4 or otherwise)
  • Move to yml
  • Evalution of the current implementation of field level security. Is there a better Springy way to implement this?
  • Integration tests without the need for the OAUTH2 authorization server (AS)
  • End to end tests that require the AS (?)



Multi-tenant REST API protected using OAUTH JWT tokens







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