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Mtn MOMO Doc

How to Build

The generated code uses a few Gradle dependencies e.g., Jackson, Volley, and Apache HttpClient. The reference to these dependencies is already added in the build.gradle file will be installed automatically. Therefore, you will need internet access for a successful build.

  • In order to open the client library in Android Studio click on Open an Existing Android Project.

Importing SDK into Android Studio - Step 1

  • Browse to locate the folder containing the source code. Select the location of the MtnMOMCollection gradle project and click Ok.

Importing SDK into Android Studio - Step 2

  • Upon successful import, the project can be built by clicking on Build > Make Project or pressing Ctrl + F9.

Importing SDK into Android Studio - Step 3

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the MtnMOMCollection library in a new project.

1. Starting a new project

For starting a new project, click on Create New Android Studio Project.

Add a new project in Android Studio - Step 1

Here, configure the new project by adding the name, domain and location of the sample application followed by clicking Next.

Create a new Android Studio Project - Step 2

Following this, select the Phone and Tablet option as shown in the illustration below and click Next.

Create a new Android Studio Project - Step 3

In the following step, choose Empty Activity as the activity type and click Next.

Create a new Android Studio Project - Step 4

In this step, provide an Activity Name and Layout Name and click Finish. This would take you to the newly created project.

Create a new Android Studio Project - Step 4

2. Add reference of the library project

In order to add a dependency to this sample application, click on the android button shown in the project explorer on the left side as shown in the picture. Click on Project in the drop down that emerges.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 1

Right click the sample application in the project explorer and click on New > Module as shown in the picture.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 2

Choose Import Gradle Project and click Next.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 3

Click on Finish which would take you back to the sample application with the refernced SDK.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 4

In the following step first navigate to the SampleApplication > settings.gradle file and add the line include ':MtnMOMCollectionLib'

Then navigate to the SampleApplication > app > build.gradle file and add the following line implementation project(path: ':MtnMOMCollectionLib') to the dependencies section as shown in the illustration below. Also add the following packagingOptions.

packagingOptions exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE' exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE' exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES' }

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 5

Finally, press Sync Now in the warning visible as shown in the picture below.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 6

3. Write sample code

Once the SampleApplication is created, a file named SampleApplication > app > src > main > java > MainActivity will be visible in the Project Explorer with an onCreate method. This is the entry point for the execution of the created project. Here, you can add code to initialize the client library and instantiate a Controller class. Sample code to initialize the client library and using controller methods is given in the subsequent sections.

How to Test

The generated code and the server can be tested using automatically generated test cases. JUnit is used as the testing framework and test runner.

In Android Studio, for running the tests do the following:

  1. Right click on SampleApplication > MtnMOMCollectionLib > androidTest > java) from the project explorer.
  2. Select "Run All Tests" or use "Ctrl + Shift + F10" to run the Tests.



In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
ocpApimSubscriptionKey TODO: add a description

API client can be initialized as following. The appContext being passed is the Android application Context.

// Configuration parameters and credentials
String ocpApimSubscriptionKey = "ocpApimSubscriptionKey";;
MtnMOMCollectionClient client = new MtnMOMCollectionClient(ocpApimSubscriptionKey);

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: APIController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the APIController class can be accessed from the API Client.

APIController client = client.getClient();

Method: createTokenPOSTAsync

This operation is used to create an access token which can then be used to authorize and authenticate towards the other end-points of the API.

void createTokenPOSTAsync(
        final String authorization,
        final APICallBack<TokenPost200ApplicationJsonResponse> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
authorization Required Basic authentication header containing API user ID and API key. Should be sent in as B64 encoded.

Example Usage

String authorization = "Authorization";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
client.createTokenPOSTAsync(authorization, new APICallBack<TokenPost200ApplicationJsonResponse>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, TokenPost200ApplicationJsonResponse response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
401 Unauthorized
500 Error

Method: getV10AccountBalanceAsync

Get the balance of the account.

void getV10AccountBalanceAsync(
        final String xTargetEnvironment,
        final String authorization,
        final APICallBack<Balance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xTargetEnvironment Required The identifier of the EWP system where the transaction shall be processed. This parameter is used to route the request to the EWP system that will initiate the transaction.
authorization Optional Authorization header used for Basic authentication and oauth. Format of the header parameter follows the standard for Basic and Bearer. Oauth uses Bearer authentication type where the credential is the received access token.

Example Usage

String xTargetEnvironment = "X-Target-Environment";
String authorization = "Authorization";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
client.getV10AccountBalanceAsync(xTargetEnvironment, authorization, new APICallBack<Balance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, Balance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad request, e.g. invalid data was sent in the request.
500 Internal error. The returned response contains details.

Method: getV10AccountholderAccountholderidtypeAccountholderidActiveAsync

Operation is used to check if an account holder is registered and active in the system.

void getV10AccountholderAccountholderidtypeAccountholderidActiveAsync(
        final String accountHolderId,
        final String accountHolderIdType,
        final String xTargetEnvironment,
        final String authorization,
        final APICallBack<DynamicResponse> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
accountHolderId Required The party number. Validated according to the party ID type (case Sensitive).
msisdn - Mobile Number validated according to ITU-T E.164. Validated with IsMSISDN
email - Validated to be a valid e-mail format. Validated with IsEmail
party_code - UUID of the party. Validated with IsUuid
accountHolderIdType Required Specifies the type of the party ID. Allowed values [msisdn, email, party_code].
accountHolderId should explicitly be in small letters.
xTargetEnvironment Required The identifier of the EWP system where the transaction shall be processed. This parameter is used to route the request to the EWP system that will initiate the transaction.
authorization Optional Authorization header used for Basic authentication and oauth. Format of the header parameter follows the standard for Basic and Bearer. Oauth uses Bearer authentication type where the credential is the received access token.

Example Usage

String accountHolderId = "accountHolderId";
String accountHolderIdType = "accountHolderIdType";
String xTargetEnvironment = "X-Target-Environment";
String authorization = "Authorization";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
client.getV10AccountholderAccountholderidtypeAccountholderidActiveAsync(accountHolderId, accountHolderIdType, xTargetEnvironment, authorization, new APICallBack<DynamicResponse>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, DynamicResponse response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad request, e.g. invalid data was sent in the request.
500 Internal error. The returned response contains details.

Method: createRequesttopayPOSTAsync

This operation is used to request a payment from a consumer (Payer). The payer will be asked to authorize the payment. The transaction will be executed once the payer has authorized the payment. The requesttopay will be in status PENDING until the transaction is authorized or declined by the payer or it is timed out by the system. Status of the transaction can be validated by using the GET /requesttopay/<resourceId>

void createRequesttopayPOSTAsync(
        final String xReferenceId,
        final String xTargetEnvironment,
        final String authorization,
        final String xCallbackUrl,
        final RequestToPay body,
        final APICallBack<Object> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xReferenceId Required Format - UUID. Recource ID of the created request to pay transaction. This ID is used, for example, validating the status of the request. ‘Universal Unique ID’ for the transaction generated using UUID version 4.
xTargetEnvironment Required The identifier of the EWP system where the transaction shall be processed. This parameter is used to route the request to the EWP system that will initiate the transaction.
authorization Optional Authorization header used for Basic authentication and oauth. Format of the header parameter follows the standard for Basic and Bearer. Oauth uses Bearer authentication type where the credential is the received access token.
xCallbackUrl Optional URL to the server where the callback should be sent.
body Optional TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

try {
    String xReferenceId = "X-Reference-Id";
    String xTargetEnvironment = "X-Target-Environment";
    String authorization = "Authorization";
    String xCallbackUrl = "X-Callback-Url";
    RequestToPay body = new RequestToPay();
    // Invoking the API call with sample inputs
    client.createRequesttopayPOSTAsync(xReferenceId, xTargetEnvironment, authorization, xCallbackUrl, body, new APICallBack<void>() {
        public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, void response) {
            // TODO success callback handler
        public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
            // TODO failure callback handler
} catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad request, e.g. invalid data was sent in the request.
409 Conflict, duplicated reference id
500 Internal Error.

Method: getRequesttopayReferenceIdGETAsync

This operation is used to get the status of a request to pay. X-Reference-Id that was passed in the post is used as reference to the request.

void getRequesttopayReferenceIdGETAsync(
        final String referenceId,
        final String xTargetEnvironment,
        final String authorization,
        final APICallBack<RequestToPayResult> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
referenceId Required UUID of transaction to get result. Reference id used when creating the request to pay.
xTargetEnvironment Required The identifier of the EWP system where the transaction shall be processed. This parameter is used to route the request to the EWP system that will initiate the transaction.
authorization Optional Authorization header used for Basic authentication and oauth. Format of the header parameter follows the standard for Basic and Bearer. Oauth uses Bearer authentication type where the credential is the received access token.

Example Usage

String referenceId = "referenceId";
String xTargetEnvironment = "X-Target-Environment";
String authorization = "Authorization";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
client.getRequesttopayReferenceIdGETAsync(referenceId, xTargetEnvironment, authorization, new APICallBack<RequestToPayResult>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, RequestToPayResult response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad request, e.g. an incorrectly formatted reference id was provided.
404 Resource not found.
500 Internal Error. Note that if the retrieved request to pay has failed, it will not cause this status to be returned. This status is only returned if the GET request itself fails.

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