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a regional coupled version of CESM as part of a joint NCAR/TAMU project

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Community Regional Earth System Model - CRESM

A Private repo for code and issues related to building a regional coupled version of CESM as part of a joint NCAR/TAMU project.

See the CESM web site for documentation and information on the base model:

This repository provides tools for managing the external components required to run and build the CRESM. The basic components used in this model are included in the repo (unlike CESM), but the scripting infrastructure is maintained in an external repository and managed with the "manage_externals" tool.

The CRESM code is available from this repository in github. You will need some familiarity with git in order to modify the code and commit any changes. However, to simply checkout and run the code, no git knowledge is required other than what is documented in the following steps.

To obtain the CRESM release (v0.1) code you need to do the following:

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone my_cresm_sandbox

    This will create a directory my_cresm_sandbox/ in your current working directory.

  2. Go into the newly created directory and determine what version of the CRESM you want. To see what cesm tags are available, simply issue the git tag command.

    cd my_cresm_sandbox
    git tag
  3. Do a git checkout of the tag you want. If you want to checkout CRESM_release_v0_1, you would issue the following.

    git checkout CRESM_release_v0_1

    (It is normal and expected to get a message about being in 'detached HEAD' state. For now you can ignore this, but it becomes important if you want to make changes to your Externals.cfg file and commit those changes to a branch.)

  4. Run the script manage_externals/checkout_externals.


    The checkout_externals script is a package manager that will populate the cresm directory with the relevant version of the CIME infrastructure code.

At this point you have a working version of CRESM.

For general information on using the CIME framework in the context of CESM, see the CIME documentation at .

The file Externals.cfg in your top-level CRESM directory tells checkout_externals which tag/branch of CIME should be brought in to generate your sandbox. (This file serves the same purpose as SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES when CESM was in a subversion repository.)

NOTE: Just like svn externals, checkout_externals will always attempt to make the working copy exactly match the externals description.

You need to rerun checkout_externals whenever Externals.cfg has changed (unless you have already manually updated the relevant external(s) to have the correct branch/tag checked out). Common times when this is needed are:

  • After checking out a new CRESM branch/tag
  • After merging some other CRESM branch/tag into your currently checked-out branch

checkout_externals must be run from the root of the source tree. For example, if you cloned CRESM with:

git clone my_cresm_sandbox

then you must run checkout_externals from /path/to/my_cresm_sandbox.

To see more details of checkout_externals, issue

./manage_externals/checkout_externals --help

When building and running the CRESM it is good to have your working directories set up as follows:

  • The CRESM source code in it's own sandbox
  • The CRESM case directory in a seperate (parallel) directory
  • The CRESM build and run directory in an area with a lot of space for model output

On Cheyenne, your working paths might look like:

  • Source code : /glade/p/work/user/CRESM/my_cresm_sandbox
  • Case directory : /glade/p/work/user/CRESM/my_case_dirs/case1
  • Build and Run directories : /glade/scratch/user/case1

A CRESM case directory contains all of the configuration xml files, case control scripts, and namelists to start a CRESM run. It also contains the README document which contains information about the case as it was created, and the CaseStatus document that keeps track of changes as you go. To create a case, run the "create_newcase" script from the CIME/scripts directory. As an example:

my_cresm_sandbox/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case my_case_dirs/new_case_1 --compset PBSGULF2010 -res tx9k_g3x -mach Cheyenne --run-unsupported

Where the arguments mean:

  • --case my_case_dirs/new_case_1 This is the name of and path to the new case. This directory is created by the create_newcase script and should not exist before calling create_newcase.
  • --compset PKWUS2003 compsets in CESM/CRESM describe which components are active and their basic configurations for the run. In the CRESM, some pertinant compsets are:
COMPSET Name Components Used
PKWUS2003 WRF atmosphere, CLM 4.0 land, data ice and data ocean
PRSGULF2010 Data atmosphere, stub land, stub ice and ROMS ocean
PRDXGULF2010 Data atmosphere, stub land, stub ice and ROMS ocean extended via XROMS
PBSGULF2010 WRF atmosphere, CLM 4.0 land, stub ice and ROMS ocean extended via XROMS
  • Note that the compsets describe the active components used in an experiment, and also the start date and forcing data, but not the domain or grid size. Thus, the PKWUS2003 compset can be used for the Gulf of Mexico case, if the start date is changed before runtime with the command

    ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2010-01-01
  • -res tx9k_g3x describes the grids and domains used in this experiment. In the CRESM, the currently available resoultions are:

Resolution Description
wus12_wus12 A 12km Western US domain. Ocean, land, and atmosphere all on the same grid. Has not been tested with ROMS.
3x3_gulfmexico A 3km Gulf of Mexico domain for ROMS only (not extended). Data atmosphere on the same grid.
tx9k_g3x A 9km atmosphere grid and 3km ocean grid (extended for XROMS) in the Gulf of Mexico (as used for the coupled simulation test case).
  • -mach Cheyenne : The machine where the build and run is happening. This allows CIME to load the correct environment and libraries, set up applicable node and task configurations, and configure submission scripts for the correct queues. On many NCAR-supported machines (such as Cheyenne) this flag is optional, as CIME can determine what machine it is on through the shell. For more information on porting to a new machine, see "Porting CIME and the CRESM to a new machine"_ below.
  • --run-unsupported : Currently required flag due to the experimental nature of CRESM in general. Only lets the user know the current configuration is not scientifically supported by the CESM scientific working groups.

Once the case has been created, only a few commands are required to build the model

cd my_case_dirs/new_case_1

The case.setup script builds the user_nl_ user namelists and sets up the PE layout for the run. The ./ script actually builds the model into the build directory (such as /glade/scratch/user/new_case_1/bld) and builds the component namelists and copies all of the needed model run data (including boundary forcing files for WRF and ROMS) into the run directory (such as /glade/scratch/user/new_case_1/run in the example).

Note that when working on Cheyenne it is very frowned upon to build the model interactively at a login node as is done in this example. It is better to use the wrapper script ::
qcmd -- ./

Which will send the build command to an interactive batch node and return when the build is complete. On Cheyenne, please use the above form.

After the model builds successfully, you can submit a run to the compute queue with the command


from the case directory. This will rebuild all of the model namelists and recheck to make sure that all of the correct input data has been linked and moved to the correct places within the run directory. It will then put together a submit script for the machine batch system and submit it. You can check on the status of your run either through the job status commands on your system (qstat on Cheyenne) or by investigating the log output in the run directory.

The results of a simulation are located as follows

  • Log files: If the simulation encounters an error, all log and output files will remain in the run directory. If the model successfully completes the simulation, log files will be zipped and copied to the logs/ subdirectory of the case directory.

  • WRF per process output: If the WRF component is running as the atmosphere, it produces two output files for each process, an rsl.out.XXXX file and an rsl.error.XXXX file (where XXXX is the process rank, ie. 0036). The standard output and standard error streams can be found in these files, which will remain in the run directory regardless of the success or failure of the model run.

  • History files: In the model's default configuration and after a successful run, all history files are moved to an archive directory on the user's larger scratch space. On Cheyenne, this is located at


This behavior can be turned off (and history files remain in the run directory) by setting the xml variable DOUT_S to False in the case directory before submition. For more information on XML variables and how to query or change them, see Useful XML variables in the CRESM case.

  • Restart files: Currently, restarts have not been tested and are not supported in the CRESM. This is an important "to do" item on the list of Bugs, Issues and Future work. Restart files are written and copied into the archive directory at


But there is no guarentee they will work currently.

Right now, in order to port the CRESM code to a new machine, there are likely three areas of changes that need to be made. The first is in the CIME code for general machine support. For instructions on how to port CIME to a new machine, see this documentation:

Adding a machine to CIME can be done without making changes to settings for any other machines, and so settings for new machines can be included in the CIME repository. First you will need to create a branch <>_ for your port changes. Then, test the changes, and create a Github pull request so they are included in the central code repository.

After porting CIME to the new machine, you will need to make a few changes to WRF and ROMS. In WRF, you will need to create a new configure file in the main wrf directory: CRESM_sandbox/components/wrf . Look at the files configure.wrf.cheyenne_intel or configure.wrf.yellowstone_intel as an example. This is the main change needed, but you may need to adjust various makefiles to correct flags for your compilers as well. Similarly, the ROMS makefiles may need to be adjusted as well. If any changes are needed to WRF or ROMS, please add an issue to the CRESM git repository, as the final goal is to encapsulate all platform-dependant settings within the CIME software infrastructure.

All of the required configuration options for an experiment with the CRESM are encapsulated in XML variables within various files in the case directory. While it is possible to edit these files directly, it is recommended that users use the "xmlquery" and "xmlchange" scripts to access and manipulate the xml variables. These scripts give more information about each variable, do error checking on changes, and keep track of changes in the CaseStatus file so it is easy to see exactly what has been changed from the default in any given experiment. To learn more about these scripts, go into a case directory and type

./xmlquery --help


./xmlchange --help

CESM xml variables will be documented in the upcoming CESM 2.0 release documents. For now, here is a short compilation of variables that may be useful in testing or running CRESM experiments.

XML Variable Description
PROJECT Account project number to charge compute time to
JOB_QUEUE Which queue to submit a job, if different than default
JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME Wall time to request for a job
STOP_OPTION What units to use for the specified run length. Valid values: nsteps, ndays, nmonths, nyears
STOP_N The number of STOP_OPTION units that the experiment will complete
RUN_STARTDATE The date on which the experimental run begins
DEBUG Whether to compile the model with debug flags on
DOUT_S Turns archiving of history and restart files on (TRUE) or off (FALSE)
DIN_LOC_ROOT Location of the input data directory structure

(Last Updated April 4, 2018)

  • Clean up any WRF or ROMS code that is specific to Cheyenne. Generalize it so the only code that needs to be ported is CIME.
  • Test Restarts. Get these working if they do not already.
  • ROMS%XROMS is the only component configuration actually available through that mechanism. Need to get the %NULL working again.
  • Create PKGULF2010 compset so the RUN_STARTDATE does not need to be manually changed for this configuration.
  • Make sure that WRF history output responds to CIME XML variables correctly. Investigate other WRF namelist options that need to be hooked up to CIME variables.
  • Make sure all pertinant ROMS namelist and configuration files are properly hooked up to CIME variables.
  • Remove the "csh script" step in WRF and ROMS builds. This is left over from old versions of CESM and should be replaced with python code.
  • Set up nightly or some form of automated testing infrastructure.
  • Investigate PE layouts for WRF-ROMS coupled runs. Can I find a layout that runs more efficiently?


a regional coupled version of CESM as part of a joint NCAR/TAMU project






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