Ready-made development environment for Symfony demo application. Just clone and vagrant up ^)
It is a good way (I think) to start learning Symfony framework.
Download and install:
- VirtualBox (v4.3.x) — still using old version due to performance penalties (Windows only) on v5.10 in console
- Software Developer Kit (SDK) for VirtualBox
- Vagrant
Clone this repo:
$ git clone demoApp
Goto demoApp and shoot vagrant up (it will take for a while, take a rest and make cup of coffee):
$ cd demoApp/ && vagrant up
Add line into your host file demo.sf.local
Go to http://demo.sf.local in your browser
Install NFS Vagrant plugin if you want to use NFS on Windows. Just type in console:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
1 CPU, 512 RAM
Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS x64
nginx (demo.sf.local)
NFS shared folder
PHP 5.6 (cli, intl, mcrypt, xdebug, composer)
Happy coding!
Created with Love using puPHPet. Tested on Mac and Windows.
Inspired by Evgeniy Snetilov