This repository contains the official code for our paper
M-FUSE: Multi-frame Fusion for Scene Flow Estimation
L. Mehl, A. Jahedi, J. Schmalfuss, A. Bruhn
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023.
title={{M-FUSE}: Multi-frame Fusion for Scene Flow Estimation},
author={Mehl, Lukas and Jahedi, Azin and Schmalfuss, Jenny and Bruhn, Andr{\'e}s},
booktitle={Proc. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
Code Overview:
: code related to data handlingmfuse
: model definitionsscripts
: scripts for training, evaluation, submission
- Install all required python packages: pytorch, numpy, scipy, opencv, tqdm, scikit-sparse, pypng
- Install the lietorch package. See for details.
The code was tested with Python 3.9, PyTorch 1.10.2, CUDA 11.6
Download the KITTI scene flow dataset with the multi-frame extension from
and make sure that it is located in the directory $DATASETS/kitti15
where $DATASETS is an environment variable.
Create disparity files for KITTI using the LEAStereo code
and put them into $DATASETS/kitti15/training/disp_lea
and $DATASETS/kitti15/testing/disp_lea
You can also download precomputed results of LEAStereo for the train and testing split.
After training M-FUSE on the KITTI dataset for 50K steps, results can be evaluated using
python scripts/ --model=<path-to-checkpoint>.pth
A submission for the KITTI benchmark can be created using
python scripts/ --model=<path-to-checkpoint>.pth
Our resulting checkpoint can be downloaded here, which yields an SF-all error of 4.83 on the KITTI benchmark.
Retrain the RAFT-3D model
on the FlyingThings3D dataset for 200K steps with their provided code or use their checkpoint. -
Train our fusion model:
python scripts/ --ckpt_r3d=<path-to-pretrained-r3d>