MultiBaas's REST APIv0.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
multibaas: 1.0.0-beta1
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/multibaas
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:multibaas/multibaas.dart';
final api = Multibaas().getAddressesApi();
final ChainName chain = ; // ChainName | The blockchain chain label.
final String addressOrLabel = addressOrLabel_example; // String | An address or the label of an address.
try {
final response = await api.deleteAddress(chain, addressOrLabel);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print("Exception when calling AddressesApi->deleteAddress: $e\n");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AddressesApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label} | Delete address |
AddressesApi | getAddress | GET /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label} | Get address |
AddressesApi | listAddresses | GET /chains/{chain}/addresses | List addresses |
AddressesApi | setAddress | POST /chains/{chain}/addresses | Create or update address |
AdminApi | acceptInvite | POST /invites/{inviteID} | Accept invite |
AdminApi | addCorsOrigin | POST /cors | Add CORS origin |
AdminApi | addGroupApiKey | PUT /groups/{groupID}/api_keys/{apiKeyID} | Add API key to group |
AdminApi | addGroupRole | PUT /groups/{groupID}/roles/{roleShortName} | Add role to group |
AdminApi | addGroupUser | PUT /groups/{groupID}/users/{userID} | Add user to group |
AdminApi | checkInvite | GET /invites/{inviteID} | Check invite |
AdminApi | createApiKey | POST /api_keys | Create API key |
AdminApi | deleteApiKey | DELETE /api_keys/{apiKeyID} | Delete API key |
AdminApi | deleteUser | DELETE /users/{userID} | Delete user |
AdminApi | getApiKey | GET /api_keys/{apiKeyID} | Get API Key |
AdminApi | inviteUser | POST /invites | Invite user |
AdminApi | listApiKeys | GET /api_keys | List API keys |
AdminApi | listAuditLogs | GET /systemactivities | List audit logs |
AdminApi | listCorsOrigins | GET /cors | List CORS origins |
AdminApi | listGroups | GET /groups | List groups |
AdminApi | listUserSigners | GET /users/{userID}/signers | List user signers |
AdminApi | listUsers | GET /users | List users |
AdminApi | removeCorsOrigin | DELETE /cors/{originID} | Remove CORS Origin |
AdminApi | removeGroupApiKey | DELETE /groups/{groupID}/api_keys/{apiKeyID} | Remove API key from group |
AdminApi | removeGroupRole | DELETE /groups/{groupID}/roles/{roleShortName} | Remove role from group |
AdminApi | removeGroupUser | DELETE /groups/{groupID}/users/{userID} | Remove user from group |
AdminApi | removeUserSignerCloudWallet | DELETE /users/{userID}/cloudwallets/{wallet_address} | Remove user cloud wallet signer |
AdminApi | removeUserSignerWeb3Wallet | DELETE /users/{userID}/web3wallets/{wallet_address} | Remove user web3 wallet signer |
AdminApi | setUserSignerCloudWallet | PUT /users/{userID}/cloudwallets/{wallet_address} | Add or update user cloud wallet signer |
AdminApi | setUserSignerWeb3Wallet | PUT /users/{userID}/web3wallets/{wallet_address} | Add or update user web3 wallet signer |
AdminApi | updateApiKey | PUT /api_keys/{apiKeyID} | Update API key |
ChainsApi | getBlock | GET /chains/{chain}/blocks/{block} | Get a block |
ChainsApi | getChainStatus | GET /chains/{chain}/status | Get chain status |
ChainsApi | getTransaction | GET /chains/{chain}/transactions/{hash} | Get transaction |
ChainsApi | getTransactionReceipt | GET /chains/{chain}/transactions/receipt/{hash} | Get transaction receipt |
ChainsApi | submitSignedTransaction | POST /chains/{chain}/transactions/submit | Submit signed transaction |
ChainsApi | transferEth | POST /chains/{chain}/transfers | Transfer ETH |
ContractsApi | callContractFunction | POST /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label}/contracts/{contract}/methods/{method} | Call a contract function |
ContractsApi | createContract | POST /contracts/{contract} | Create a contract |
ContractsApi | createContracts | POST /contracts | Create multiple contracts |
ContractsApi | deleteContract | DELETE /contracts/{contract} | Delete a contract |
ContractsApi | deleteContractVersion | DELETE /contracts/{contract}/{version} | Delete a contract version |
ContractsApi | deployContract | POST /contracts/{contract}/deploy | Deploy a contract |
ContractsApi | deployContractVersion | POST /contracts/{contract}/{version}/deploy | Deploy a contract version |
ContractsApi | getContract | GET /contracts/{contract} | Get a contract |
ContractsApi | getContractVersion | GET /contracts/{contract}/{version} | Get a contract version |
ContractsApi | getContractVersions | GET /contracts/{contract}/all | Get all contract versions |
ContractsApi | getEventMonitorStatus | GET /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label}/contracts/{contract}/status | Get event monitor status |
ContractsApi | getEventTypeConversions | GET /contracts/{contract}/{version}/events/{event} | Get event type conversions |
ContractsApi | getFunctionTypeConversions | GET /contracts/{contract}/{version}/methods/{method} | Get function type conversions |
ContractsApi | linkAddressContract | POST /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label}/contracts | Link address and contract |
ContractsApi | listContractVersions | GET /contracts/{contract}/versions | List all contract versions |
ContractsApi | listContracts | GET /contracts | List contracts |
ContractsApi | setEventTypeConversions | POST /contracts/{contract}/{version}/events/{event} | Set event type conversions |
ContractsApi | setFunctionTypeConversions | POST /contracts/{contract}/{version}/methods/{method} | Set function type conversions |
ContractsApi | unlinkAddressContract | DELETE /chains/{chain}/addresses/{address-or-label}/contracts/{contract} | Unlink address and contract |
EventQueriesApi | countEventQueryRecords | GET /queries/{event_query}/count | Count event query records |
EventQueriesApi | deleteEventQuery | DELETE /queries/{event_query} | Delete event query |
EventQueriesApi | executeArbitraryEventQuery | POST /queries | Execute arbitrary event query |
EventQueriesApi | executeEventQuery | GET /queries/{event_query}/results | Execute event query |
EventQueriesApi | getEventQuery | GET /queries/{event_query} | Get event query |
EventQueriesApi | listEventQueries | GET /queries | List event queries |
EventQueriesApi | setEventQuery | PUT /queries/{event_query} | Create or update event query |
EventsApi | getEventCount | GET /events/count | Get event count |
EventsApi | listEvents | GET /events | List events |
HsmApi | addHsmConfig | POST /hsm/config | Add HSM config |
HsmApi | addHsmKey | POST /hsm/key | Add HSM key |
HsmApi | createHsmKey | POST /hsm/key/new | Create HSM key |
HsmApi | listHsm | GET /hsm | List HSM configs and wallets |
HsmApi | listHsmWallets | GET /hsm/wallets | List HSM wallets |
HsmApi | removeHsmConfig | DELETE /hsm/config/{client_id} | Remove HSM config |
HsmApi | removeHsmKey | DELETE /hsm/key/{wallet_address} | Remove HSM key |
HsmApi | setLocalNonce | POST /chains/{chain}/hsm/nonce/{wallet_address} | Set local nonce |
HsmApi | signAndSubmitTransaction | POST /chains/{chain}/hsm/submit | Sign and submit transaction |
HsmApi | signData | POST /chains/{chain}/hsm/sign | Sign data |
TxmApi | cancelTransaction | POST /chains/{chain}/txm/{wallet_address}/nonce/{nonce}/cancel | Cancel transaction |
TxmApi | countWalletTransactions | GET /chains/{chain}/txm/{wallet_address}/count | Count all transactions for a wallet |
TxmApi | listWalletTransactions | GET /chains/{chain}/txm/{wallet_address} | List transactions for a wallet |
TxmApi | speedUpTransaction | POST /chains/{chain}/txm/{wallet_address}/nonce/{nonce}/speed_up | Speed up transaction |
WebhooksApi | countWebhookEvents | GET /webhooks/{webhookID}/events/count | Count webhook events |
WebhooksApi | countWebhooks | GET /webhooks/count | Count webhooks |
WebhooksApi | createWebhook | POST /webhooks | Create webhook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookID} | Delete webhook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookID} | Get webhook |
WebhooksApi | listWebhookEvents | GET /webhooks/{webhookID}/events | List webhook events |
WebhooksApi | listWebhooks | GET /webhooks | List webhooks |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhookID} | Update webhook |
- APIKey
- AcceptInvite200Response
- AcceptInviteRequest
- AddKey
- Address
- AddressLabel
- AuditLog
- AzureAccount
- AzureHardwareWallet
- AzureWallet
- BaseAPIKey
- BaseAzureAccount
- BaseContract
- BaseResponse
- BaseTransactionToSign
- BaseTransactionToSignTx
- BaseUser
- BaseWebhookEndpoint
- Block
- CORSOrigin
- CallContractFunction200Response
- CallContractFunction200ResponseAllOfResult
- ChainName
- ChainStatus
- Contract
- ContractABI
- ContractABIEvent
- ContractABIEventArgument
- ContractABIMethod
- ContractABIMethod1
- ContractABIMethodArgument
- ContractABIType
- ContractABITypeConversion
- ContractEventOptions
- ContractInformation
- ContractInstance
- ContractMetadata
- ContractMethodInformation
- ContractMethodOptions
- ContractOverview
- ContractParameter
- CountEventQueryRecords200Response
- CountWalletTransactions200Response
- CountWebhookEvents200Response
- CountWebhooks200Response
- CreateApiKey200Response
- CreateApiKeyRequest
- CreateHsmKey200Response
- CreateKey
- CreateWebhook200Response
- DeployContract200Response
- DeployContractTransaction
- Error
- Event
- EventField
- EventInformation
- EventMonitorStatus
- EventQuery
- EventQueryEvent
- EventQueryField
- EventQueryFilter
- EventQueryResults
- EventTypeConversionOptions
- ExecuteArbitraryEventQuery200Response
- FieldType
- GasParams
- GetBlock200Response
- GetChainStatus200Response
- GetContract200Response
- GetContractVersions200Response
- GetEventCount200Response
- GetEventMonitorStatus200Response
- GetEventQuery200Response
- GetEventTypeConversions200Response
- GetFunctionTypeConversions200Response
- GetTransaction200Response
- GetTransactionReceipt200Response
- Group
- HSMData
- HSMSignRequest
- HSMSignRequestChainId
- HSMSignResponse
- Invite
- LinkAddressContractRequest
- ListAddresses200Response
- ListApiKeys200Response
- ListAuditLogs200Response
- ListContractVersions200Response
- ListContractVersions200ResponseAllOfResult
- ListContracts200Response
- ListCorsOrigins200Response
- ListEventQueries200Response
- ListEvents200Response
- ListGroups200Response
- ListHsm200Response
- ListHsmWallets200Response
- ListUserSigners200Response
- ListUsers200Response
- ListWalletTransactions200Response
- ListWebhookEvents200Response
- ListWebhooks200Response
- Log
- MethodArg
- MethodCallPreviewResponse
- MethodCallResponse
- MethodTypeConversionOptions
- PostMethodArgs
- PostMethodResponse
- PreviewArgs
- Role
- SavedEventQuery
- SetAddress201Response
- SetNonceRequest
- SignData200Response
- SignedTransactionSubmission
- SignerLabel
- SignerWallet
- StandaloneWallet
- Transaction
- TransactionData
- TransactionInformation
- TransactionReceipt
- TransactionReceiptData
- TransactionStatus
- TransactionToSign
- TransactionToSignResponse
- TransferEth200Response
- TypeConversionOptions
- User
- WalletTransaction
- WebhookEndpoint
- WebhookEvent
- WebhookEventsType
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: token
- Location: