Welcome to our EthGlobal Hack.Money project.
This DApp is an exchange pool for ERC20 tokens. You earn WANT tokens based on the scarcity of the item you put in. You can withdraw one token at a time, which is chosen (pseudo)randomly. Currently it accepts WBTC, DAI, USDC, and ZRX. Under the hood it uses Uniswap and Curvegrid's MultiBaas platform.
The smart contracts are on Rinkeby at 0x42F3e1c5C32819255a18F22bB6eF342f8C73Ba37 and the ENS domain is want-nintendo-switch.eth
We used Curvegrid's blockchain platform MultiBaas to make this project.
How to run the frontend:
cd web
yarn run serve
Connect to the Rinkeby Network. You'll need some USDC, DAI, WBTC, or ZRX to play.
Thanks for trying out our project!
<3 William, Ann, Nguyen, and Thang -- Team WANT a Nintendo Switch