- The application accepts search input in a text box and then displays in a pleasing style a list of people where any part of their first or last name matches what was typed in the search box (displaying at least name, address, age, interests, and a picture).
- Solution should either seed data or provide a way to enter new users or both
- Simulate search being slow and have the UI gracefully handle the delay
- A Web Application using WebAPI and a front-end JavaScript framework (e.g., Angular, AngularJS, React, Aurelia, etc.)
- Use an ORM framework to talk to the database
- Unit Tests for appropriate parts of the application
- Created with Visual Studio Community for Mac (I tested on a Windows 10 machine using Visual Studio 2017 build 15.5.0)
- .NET Core 2
- SQLite Db
- Micrsoft Entity Framework Core 2
- To start the Web API up:
- Install Visual Studio 2017 if you havn't already
- Open the HealthCatalyst.PeopleSearch.snl with Visual Studio
- Right click on the HealthCatalyst.Web.Api project and select 'Set As Startup Project'
- Click the 'Run' button on the Visual Studio tool bar
- This should open a browser window pointed to http://localhost:5000/api/values
- If you would like to test API endpoint the follow URL should return data http://localhost:5000/api/v1/person/searchByName/c
- Created with Visual Studio Code for Mac
- Angular 4
- Served via Node
- To start the Web UI up
- Install NPM if you havn't already (Download node at https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- Open a console window in the HealthCatalyst.Web.UI directory and Run: npm install
- In the same console windows Run: npm install -g @angular/cli
- Once the NPM packages have been installed Run: ng serve -o (will open a browser window pointed to http://localhost:4200/)
Note: I did my best to make sure the repository / solution would load, build and run without problems. I starting building the solution in Visual Studio for Mac but I did test opening, building and running it in Visual Studio Community 2017 15.5 on a Windows 10 VM. If you run into an issue loading, building or running please ping me at [email protected] and I'd be happy to correct the issue.
* The App already has data loaded into the SQLite DB however if you would like to re-seed the data you can use the http://localhost:5000/api/v1/person/seedData endpoint. I was going to add a button in the UI to call it but it just didn't seem right so I didn't.
* To simulate slow searchesI included a 1 second delay in the UI after it returns from the http call. The delay can be changed by changing the value of _millisecondToDelay in search.service.ts file.
To Do:
- Setup config swapping of search service / test search service
- Add unit test for search service
- Bootstrap responsive design, mobile tags
- Load image from image byte array returned from api service
- Add paging support
- Create a logging service and log, log, log
- Generally improve the look
- Define the data types in EF
- Build integration test
- Add Swagger
- Move configuration settings to appsettings.json
- Add log4net and log, log, log
- Handle special chars in search
- Build intergration test
- Figure out a better way to launch seed data process
- Store image DB
- Move DB connection string to appsetting.json