Volatility plugin designed to extract useful information from Google Chrome's address space.
The goal of this plugin is to make possible the analysis of a Google Chrome running instance. Starting from a memory dump, Chrome Ragamuffin can list which page was open on which tab and it is able to extract the DOM Tree in order to analyze the full page structure.
At this time, Chrome Ragamuffin can scan for blink::Document objects in memory and extract their DOM tree. The tree can be rendered either in text (giving an in-depth overview of the nodes structure) and dot (giving a hierarchical overview of the tree) mode.
In addition, we are able to get several details (visited URLs, redirect chain, method of request, iframe/form showed during the navigation etc.) about the user navigation without any limitation introduced by the incognito mode.
Chrome Ragamuffin is shipped with libchrome_$browserrelease.py libraries. These libraries contain the data structures (VTypes) corrisponding to their respective Google Chrome objects. If you need to run Chrome Ragamuffin against particular $browserrelease, please download the library that match it.
- Little endian support
- DOM Analysis
- Active HTML Documents overview
- Google Chrome (64-bit) Windows support
- History Extraction from the Browser Process
- In-memory cache analysis
- JavaScript execution analysis
- HTTP requests/responses analysis
- Big endian support
- Google Chrome (32-bit) Windows support
- Chromium (32/64 bit) Linux/macOS support
Chrome Ragamuffin -h:
-p PID, --pid=PID Operate on this Process ID
--documents=DOCUMENTS Blink::Document's offsets (comma separated values)
--dom=DOM DOM root node offset. This will dump the DOM tree
--whatsapp=WHATSAPP get sidebar and main active chat from a renderer process
--analysis=ANALYSIS you have to choose between "history" (history navigation from browser process) and "renderer" (document objects from the renderer process)
Module Output Options: csv, dot, text
We can switch the analysis mode using the --analysis flag. At the moment, we have two options to use with this flag: renderer and history.
history flag: this mode is designed to extract the entire user navigation. We'll gain information either from a normal or an incognito navigation. You can render the output in its text and csv notation. We strongly suggest to render it in csv format, because of the huge amount of data displayed. With this mode, aside from the visited pages, you'll gather details about the iframe and submitted form too.
renderer flag: search for blink::Document object in memory and display them. In addition, you can extend the analysis extracting the Document Object Model from a document object. You can get the output in two different modes using the --output flag. (examples below).
Extract the whole history navigation:
$ ./volatility --plugins $PATH_TO_RAGAMUFFIN_DIR --profile Win10x64_14393 -f dump1.vmem chrome_ragamuffin --analysis history
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
| ID | Offset | Title | User typed url | Original request url | Status code | Method | Post params | Transition | Referer | Redirect chain | UTC Timestamp | Restore type | Type page |
| 22 | 0x1a224d1d600 | file:///C:/Users/cube/Documents/test.html | file:///C:/Users/cube/Documents/test.html | file:///C:/Users/cube/Documents/test.html | 0 | GET | 0 | Reload page, session restore or undo close tab | None | data:text/html,chromewebdata | 21/09/2017 08.40.22 | LAST_SESSION_CRASHED | ERROR |
| 32 | 0x1a228691300 | None | | | 200 | GET | 200 | User used the address bar to trigger this navigation | None | | 21/09/2017 09.14.28 | Entry was not restored | NORMAL |
| 32 | 0x1a2288d8cb0L | frame_entry_object | http://mybank.com/changepassword.php | http://mybank.com/changepassword.php | None | POST | 0x1a2288d8e20 | None | | | 21/09/2017 09.14.28 | None | framePath frame0 |
The example above shows a semplified sample of a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attack a user has been involved in (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)). The id 32 navigation started with a GET request. The user used the address bar to trigger the navigation and typed the following URL: Within the same navigation ID (32), we can found another entry which corresponds to an <iframe> (framePath frame0) element contained in the index.html page. This iframe is displaying the webpage at the URL and it was reached by a POST request from the URL (the referer). Using the volshell we can extract the information related to the submitted form which started out the POST request, dumping out the PageState object at the Post params address (0x1a2288d8e20):
$ ./volatility --plugins $PATH_TO_RAGAMUFFIN_DIR --profile Win10x64_14393 -f dump.vmem volshell --offset 0xffffd08754ae5780
In [1]: p = proc()
In [2]: proc_as = p.get_process_address_space()
In [3]: frame_entry = obj.Object("FrameNavigationEntry", vm=proc_as, offset=0x1a2288d8cb0) #offset field
In [4]: frame_entry.dump_page_state()
Out[4]: '\xac\x01..\x19.......N...h.t.t.p.:././.1.9.2...1.6.8...1...1.2.4./.c.h.a.n.g.e.p.a.s.s.w.o.r.d...p.h.p...@...<.!.-.-.f.r.a.m.e.P.a.t.h. ././.<.!.-.-.f.r.a.m.e.0.-.-.>.-.-.>.....L...h.t.t.p.:././.1.9.2...1.6.8...1...1.2.4./.h.g.h.r.u.e.g.u.o.e.i.r...h.t.m.l.....\xab\x02\x07\x85\xafY\x05.\xac\x02\x07\x85\xafY\x05.\x02...........\x01...\x01.......-...**new_username**=username&**new_password=qwerty1345**...\x0e\xb8\x07\x85\xafY\x05.....B...a.p.p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.n./.x.-.w.w.w.-.f.o.r.m.-.u.r.l.e.n.c.o.d.e.d.......'
This object reperesents some frame object's serialized information:
- h.t.t.p.:././.1.9.2...1.6.8...1...1.2.4./.c.h.a.n.g.e.p.a.s.s.w.o.r.d...p.h.p is the value of the action value of the form
- new_username=username&new_password=qwerty1345 are the form fields
- a.p.p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.n./.x.-.w.w.w.-.f.o.r.m.-.u.r.l.e.n.c.o.d.e.d is the mime-type of the form
To sum up, the user visited a web page ( which contained an iframe (with src= In the iframe, a POST request was submitted on http://mybank.com/changepassword.php web site with username and password form fields (new_username=username&new_password=qwerty1345).
Extract all available blink::Document objects in memory with their respective memory offset:
$ ./volatility --plugins $PATH_TO_RAGAMUFFIN_DIR --profile Win10x64_14393 -f dump2.vmem chrome_ragamuffin --analysis renderer
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Pid Document offset URL Title DOM start address
-------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
4384 0x3f8c0aa25a0 https://truel.it/ TRUEL IT | Home 0x3f8c0aa3230
3184 0x34da48225a0 https://www.google.it/ Google 0x34da4823230
3948 0x35c2ff825a0 https://twitter.com/ Twitter. ? ci? che sta accadendo. 0x35c2ff83230
3948 0x35c2ffc1838 https://twitter.com/i/vi...&player_id=1&rpc_init=1 Twitter web player 0x35c2ffc30f8
3948 0x35c2ffc2468 https://twitter.com/i/vi...&player_id=0&rpc_init=1 Twitter web player 0x35c2ffc9b98
3948 0x35c2ffe1838 about:blank None 0x35c2ffe2468
3948 0x35c2ffe4260 about:blank None 0x35c2ffe4e90
3948 0x35c2ffea3e0 about:blank None 0x35c2ffeb010
3948 0x35c2ffec050 about:blank None 0x35c2ffecc80
3948 0x35c30003ec0 about:blank None 0x35c30004af0
3948 0x35c30009048 about:blank None 0x35c30009c78
3948 0x35c30013ce8 about:blank None 0x35c30014918
3948 0x35c3001d810 https://twitter.com/push_service_worker.js None 0x35c3001e440
3588 0x4d67092f220 https://app.tutanota.com/#box [email protected] - Tutanota 0x4d67092fff0
540 0x3b7f3d225a0 None 0x3b7f3d231d0
540 0x3b7f3d261d0 data:text/html,chromewebdata 0x3b7f3d26e60
Every line in the table corresponds to a WebKit's blink::Document object, which describes the active HTML document rendered in a browser tab. These information makes us able to gain an overview of the data we're going to examine in details in the next steps. For each Document, Chrome Ragamuffin returns the memory offset (Document offset) and the virtual address of the first DOM element (html tag). The URL and Title fields show us the URL of the Document and the title tag content rispectively. At last, every tab in Google Chrome is a separate thread and every object is associated to its tab PID.
Extract the DOM Tree in dot language of a document:
$ ./volatility --plugins $PATH_TO_RAGAMUFFIN_DIR --profile Win10x64_14393 -f dump2.vmem chrome_ragamuffin -p 540 --analysis renderer --documents 0x3b7f3d225a0 --dom 0x3b7f3d231d0 --output dot --output-file econom.dot
Print the DOM Tree in text mode:
$ ./volatility --plugins $PATH_TO_RAGAMUFFIN_DIR --profile Win10x64_14393 -f dump2.vmem chrome_ragamuffin -p 540 --analysis renderer --documents 0x3b7f3d225a0 --dom 0x3b7f3d231d0
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Node tag: html
Node attributes: {}
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d231d0
Node tag: head
Node attributes: {}
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d23238
Node tag: title
Node attributes: {}
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d232a0
Node tag: img
Node attributes: {'src': './img.jpg'}
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d23640
Node tag: iframe
Node attributes: {}
src: ./page.html
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d237c8
Contained document offset: 0x3b7f3d261d0
Node tag: Text
Node tag: h3
Node attributes: {}
Memory offset: 0x3b7f3d246d0
Node tag: Text
Below, we went through the DOM elements using the volshell plugin. With its help we can perform a targeted analysis on DOM's elements that we are interested in.
Get DOM Tree:
In [4]: document = obj.Object("chrome_document", vm=proc_as, offset=0x3b7f3d225a0)
In [5]: dom = chrome_ragamuffin.DOMScanner(document.documentElement, proc_as).scan()
In [6]: dom
[[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D231D0,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23238,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D232A0,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D23310,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23360,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D233C8,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23418,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D23480,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D234D0,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D23538,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23588,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D235F0,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23640,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D23710,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D23778,
[_html_iframe_element HTMLIframeElement] @ 0x3B7F3D237C8,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D24680,
[_element Element] @ 0x3B7F3D246D0,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D24738,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D24788,
[_textNode TextNode] @ 0x3B7F3D247D8]
Search for iframe nodes:
In [8]: iframe = [x for x in dom if x.tagName == "iframe"]
In [13]: dt(iframe[0])
[_html_iframe_element HTMLIframeElement] @ 0x3B7F3D237C8
0x0 : Element 4088604538824
0x70 : m_contentFrame 2124868027416
0x98 : m_URL
Get the page contained in the iframe:
In [14]: page_contained = iframe[0].contentDocument
In [15]: page_contained
Out[15]: [_document m_document] @ 0x3B7F3D261D0
In [16]: page_contained.title
Out[16]: ''
In [17]: page_contained.url_string
Out[17]: 'data:text/html,chromewebdata'