OBSOLET use github.com/ctx/ws-session
Save the open windows of your favorite programs from one wmii tag to a folder.
Link your sessions to projects or tasks from taskwarrior.
Restore a session on a new wmii tag.
Needed: wmii, xdotool (only for luakit)
Editor: gvim
Helper: task (taskwarrior.org), surfraw, tabbed
Browser: luakit, patched vimprobable2, surf Chromium (uses ~200MB for every session)
PDF: zathura
Copy session.sh and wmiirc_local to .wmii-hg. Copy the files from bin to /usr/bin or ~/bin.
If you like to use vimprobable2 or zathura you have to apply the patches.
Configuration variables ar at the beginning of the file session.sh.
Add the following to your shell rc. This makes it possible to save vim sessions and the shell history:
WI_NAMESPACE="$(wmiir ls / 2>/dev/null)" if [ $WI_NAMESPACE ];then # Separat shell history for each tag TAG="$(wmiir cat /tag/sel/ctl | sed '1q')" mkdir -p $WI_NAMESPACE/$TAG export HISTFILE=$WI_NAMESPACE/$TAG/history # Start vim as server alias vim="vim --servername \"$TAG\"" else export HISTFILE=~/.history fi unset WI_NAMESPACE TAG
run wmii-session wmii-browser and wmii-pdf and/or try the sample wmiirc_local
If you save two session templates named foo and foo.bar, you can open a task in project foo.bar.baz with no saved session and the session template foo.bar will be loaded. If you open a task in the project foo.baz.blah the template foo will be loaded.
Open chromium with the wmii-chromium command. This uses too much hd space.
A "plugin system" that allows easy adding:
* support for more applications (example vim: 147 to 173 in session.sh) * and support for other wms (example wmii: 120 to 145 in session.sh).
use dmtcp