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DepthEstimator object lifecycle

The short description:

  1. Instantiate a DepthEstimator object
  2. Call setSize
  3. Set other optional settings
  4. Object is now ready for continous calls to estimate()

The longer description:

  1. Instantiate a DepthEstimator object

    Currently only has a default constructor, initializing internal variables with (invalid/unusable) values

  2. Call setSize

    This is the only function that MUST be called. There is no general default value that can be used, and estimate() cannot determine the images dimensions.

  3. Set optional settings Optional settings include:
    • void setMaximumDisparity(int value);

    Defines the disparity search range

    • void setAggregationWindowDimensions(int value);

    Defines the window size to use in the cost aggregation step

    • void setNormalize(bool normalize);

    Adjust disparity range from [0, max disp] to [0, 255]. Makes small max disparity depth maps more visible.

    • void setAlgorithm(std::string name);

    Select which Stereo Matching algorithm to use.

    • void setCostFunction(std::string name);

    Select which cost function to use

    • void setCrossCheck(bool value);

    Enable cross-checking of disparity maps to eliminate matching errors and occlusions. Only usable with Stereo Matching algorithms that produce 2 disparity maps.

    • void useOcclusionFilling(bool value);

    Enable Occlulsion Filling kernel. Only actually does anything if cross-checking is also used.

    • void useDiffingKernel(bool value);

    Enable diffing of consecutive image sets. Only usable with video streams.

  4. Object is now ready for continuous calls to estimate()

    The actual signature is:

    void estimate(uchar *left_image, uchar *right_image, uchar *left_result_image,uchar *right_result_image)

    The first 2 arguments are left unmodified. When estimate returns, the 2 last arguments will contain the left (and the right, if the algorithm chosen is able to) disparity maps.


  • depthestimation.hpp Contains the definitions of both host and opencl device code.
  • depthestimation.cpp Contains implementation of host code
  • opencl.cpp Contains implementation of GPU code

General structure

Kernel organization

Important concepts in the code is the grouping of OpenCL kernels and it’s variables. To launch a kernel, we need:

  • a cl::Kernel object extracted and compiled from OpenCL-C source
  • the cl::Kernel objects arguments must be set
  • a cl::NDRange object that describes the work-group configuration
  • a cl::NDRange object that describes the launch offsets

A kernel is identified by it’s function name. This name is used a the key to 3 maps:

std::map<std::string, cl::Kernel> m_cl_kernels; std::map<std::string, std::vectorcl::NDRange > m_worksizes; std::map<std::string, cl::NDRange> m_kernel_offsets;

m_worksizes holds two cl::NDRange objects, first is for local work-size configuration, second for global work-size configuration.

When we want to launch a kernel, we can then just select a kernel name and fetch all 3 variables from the maps with this name, and call cl::enqueuNDRange.


Each kernel needs an void update<KernelName>Kernel() function that creates the kernel object (if it doesn’t already exist), sets it’s arguments, configure work sizes and sets a launch offset.

All the update{kernel-name}Kernel() functions have similar structure, and can be copied and renamed when adding new kernels.


Stereo correspondence with OpenCL






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