is a blazor wraper component for dom-confetti.
Can I see a live demo? Yes, at
Install blazor-dom-confetti via nuget with your favorite method:
- .net cli:
dotnet add package blazor-dom-confetti --version
- Package reference:
<PackageReference Include="blazor-dom-confetti" Version="" />
- Package manager:
Install-Package blazor-dom-confetti -Version
Use component where you want, just insert <Blafettis @ref="blafettis" />
component where you want to raise confettis, and call blafettis.RaiseConfetti();
method (remember to include namespace using BlafettisLib;
or @using BlafettisLib
@page "/counter"
@using BlafettisLib
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="IncrementCount">
Click me
<Blafettis @ref="blafettis" />
@code {
private int currentCount = 0;
protected Blafettis blafettis; // get the reference
private void IncrementCount()
blafettis.RaiseConfetti(); // raise confetti via method
Personalize your confetti with options (colors, angle, velocity, ...) see demo for a sample
From version
no js includes are needed.
- Be free to PR any feature or bugfix.
- Be free to post any issue.
- Be free to star and promote this project and also dom-confetti project.
- License MIT, copyright Dani Herrera. The component blazor-dom-confetti is a wrapper for Daniel Lundin's dom-confetti project. dom-confetti's code is included on
for devs convinience.
A blazor native version, without javascript, wrote 100% on c# and html is available at ./DemosAndMore/dom.confetti-blazor-native-component/blazor-blazor-confetti. It is a 100% JS free native blazor component. This component is a clone of dom-confetti but without javascript, just Blazor. Not ready for production.