This is simply a demo repository that contains everything necessary for speaking at the DevOps Columbus user group. You can find the presentation here.
- Visual Studio 2017
- PC preferrable because there are more built-in features for free
- Azure account with subscription setup
- Install Azure CLI 2.0
- PC or Mac is fine
- Create new solution and project
- Publish to Azure
- Store code in source control (GitHub, BitBucket, VSTS)
- Setup continuous deployment via Azure portal
- You can do this in Visual Studio as well
- Download resource template and store in source control
- Open terminal or command prompt and login to Azure (
az login
)- follow steps to login properly
- Ensure directory is set to template file location
- Test resource template and parameters by executing a deployment
az group deployment create --name {{Name of deployment}} --resource-group {{Resource Group Name}} --template-file template.json --parameters parameters.json
- Witness the beauty/power of the resource templates
- In the Azure Portal, manually add a new Web App (follow prompts and wait until completed)
- In the terminal/command prompt, review the resources for the new one
az resource list
- Run step 8 again, but with the property
--mode Complete
- The default is
--mode incremental
- The default is
- Run step ii and notice that the resource that was created is gone!