This is the front end app for the exam attendance.
Please create a .env file in the root directory and refer the env sample file to add the required environment variables.
npm install
To Start Server:
npm start
This is a group project completed for the implementation of MOSIP platform developed for the Professional Practise Module.
Supervisor can login using fingerprint.
Supervisor can use email and password to login.
After the supervisor logs in, he/she can view the exams assigned to him/her for the current day.
When the supervisor selects an exam from the Exam Schedule Page, he/she will be directed to the attendance monitoring page. Supervisor can view all the students enrolled for that module along with the thier attendance details.
Once supervisor press Start Attending
on Attendance Monitoring
page. This window will be opened to take attendance of students.
If a student prefers to use an index instead of a fingerprint, this page allows that option.