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A Rust wrapper for Intel's Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) present in Intel CPUs since the Sandy Bridge (2nd) generation.

This wrapper functions mostly as a benchmarking tool, however, it also allows for performing live measurements with terminal output. By default the entire system consumption is measured, however, it is also possible to estimate pure software consumption by offsetting the benchmark consumption based on idle system consumption.

Table of Contents


Due to inaccessibility on Windows and MacOS, raplrs only runs on Linux systems. As such the following steps are only suited for Linux.


In addition to the Rust dependencies listed in Cargo.toml, has an OS-level dependency used for measuring CPU temperatures: sensors. This dependency is contained in the lm-sensors (Ubuntu) and lm_sensors (Arch) package.


# set exec permissions on scripts
$ chmod -R +x benchmark/

Build & run

# build
$ cargo build --release

# run
$ sudo ./target/release/raplrs

# for ease of access you can symlink raplrs to /usr/bin - preferably with absolute paths
$ sudo ln -s /path/to/target/release/raplrs /usr/bin/raplrs
# and then run with
$ sudo raplrs

Troubleshooting notes

If you are running a shell script that calls some command you would usually run from your command line, you need to make sure that said command is present in your /usr/bin dir. For example, crispy-doom on Ubuntu by default installs to /usr/games, which is not recognized when running raplrs as root.

As raplrs mostly needs to be run with root access, you need to ensure that any configuration for the benchmark is present where it needs to be. That is, under / rather than your user directory.



Scripts are located in ./benchmarks/. We discern between three types:

  • interactive: an application that expects input, e.g., a GUI. stdout and stderr should be piped to /dev/null, see ./benchmark/interactive/ for an example.
  • macro: larger benchmarks that perform several tasks. ./benchmark/macro
  • micro: smaller benchmarks that perform a single task. ./benchmark/micro

Micro- and macrobenchmarks should ideally terminate on their own, or be easily killable without interacting with the terminal raplrs is being run from.

CSV output

raplrs outputs data from each poll in csv format. For each measurement, rows according to the available zones in your CPU are appended. Sample output:

zone        time elapsed (s)    power used (joules)     avg watt usage          avg watt usage since last poll  start power (joules)    previous power          previous power reading
package-0,  28.030436537,       517.9944529999993,      18.479764219175102,     17.634610487045965,             14719.149051,           500.34430299999985,     15237.143504
core,       28.030548686,       364.91492099999596,     13.01855967970924,      11.588462316530928,             55951.045459,           353.3162470000025,      56315.96038
uncore,     28.030660372,       39.756702999999106,     1.4183443342235091,     2.070532459219232,              4492.606319,            37.684346000000005,     4532.363022

A full sample log can be found in ./logs/.

Isolation data

Using isolate as a setup tool, raplrs can estimate pure software energy consumption by offsetting the measurements using previously measured idle data of the system consumption. What is necessary for this is the output the isolate tool - that is, a JSON on the following format:

  "package-0": {
    "power_j": {
      "min": 1.4401819999911822,
      "max": 3.130302000005031,
      "avg": 1.5812111187977085,
      "total": 3315.913507999998
    "watts": { ... },
    "watts_since_last": { ... },
    "watt_h": { ... },
    "kwatt_h": { ... }
  "core": { ... },

Usage 0.1.0
RAPL measurement tool


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --delay <delay>                       Delay between polls (ms) [default: 1000]
    -i, --isolate-from <isolate-file>         Idle data to isolate measurements from - see for details
    -n, --name <name>                         Benchmark name - to easily discern csv output
    -t, --terminate-after <run-time-limit>    Terminate after time limit (s)

    benchmark        Measure power consumption of a oneshot script
    benchmark-int    Measure power consumption of an interactive application
    help             Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    isolate          Tools for measuring and generating isolation data
    list             List utility for various RAPL-related information
    live             Live measurements
    pretty-print     Pretty print last measurement of .csv file

The following system-wide options are available:

  • -d, --delay: the delay between RAPL polls - that is, the delay between retrieving RAPL measurements from the system in milliseconds. Default is 1.000ms.
  • -n, --name: an identifier for the benchmark, in addition to the mode that is being run - used to name the output .csv file(s). For example, raplrs -n idle live would name the .csv file something like idle-live-420.69.csv.
  • -t, --terminate-after: the time limit for the benchmark in seconds. For example, raplrs -t 30 live would terminate the measurements after 30 seconds.
  • -i, --isolate-from: idle data to use to isolate software consumption. This should be generated through isolate.


Perform live, continuous measurements of power consumption.

raplrs-live 0.1.0
Live measurements

    raplrs live [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information


$ sudo raplrs live
Press 'q' to quit
zone                        time(s)                     J                           avg watt                    avg watt curr               w/h                         kw/h
package-0                   21.01861                    401.94149                   19.12318                    19.61201                    0.11165                     0.00011
core                        21.01864                    298.07888                   14.18170                    13.46358                    0.08280                     0.00008
uncore                      21.01866                    20.68407                    0.98409                     2.15952                     0.00575                     0.00001


Benchmark a single, oneshot program, optionally n times. If -n is passed, n .csv files will be generated as well. By default, benchmark expects <program> to be executable - alternatively you can specify a runner, e.g., bash, with -r, --runner. Additionally, benchmark expects <program> to terminate on its own - if this is not the case for your benchmark, see benchmark-int.

To allow a cooldown period between benchmarks, specify an interval in seconds with -i, --interval.

raplrs-benchmark 0.1.0
Measure power consumption of a oneshot script

    raplrs benchmark [OPTIONS] <program> [args]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --interval <interval>    Interval between benchmark runs in seconds [default: 0]
    -n <n>                   Amount of times to run benchmark [default: 1]
    -r, --runner <runner>    Benchmark requires <runner> to execute

    <program>    Benchmark program
    <args>...    Args for <program>


$ sudo raplrs benchmark benchmark/micro/ -n 3
Running benchmark iteration 1
# result omitted
Running benchmark iteration 2
# result omitted
Running benchmark iteration 3
zone                        time(s)                     J                           avg watt                    avg watt curr               w/h                         kw/h
package-0                   5.76740                     116.93481                   20.27543                    0.00000                     0.03248                     0.00003
core                        5.76744                     89.69783                    15.55278                    0.00000                     0.02492                     0.00002
uncore                      5.76750                     4.55624                     0.79001                     0.00000                     0.00127                     0.00000


Benchmark an interactive program. By default, benchmark-int expects <program> to be executable - alternatively you can specify a runner, e.g., bash, with -r, --runner. Additionally, benchmark-int will log results in terminal in an ncurses window. To retain availability of the terminal and only log in the background, pass -b, --bg-log.

raplrs-benchmark-int 0.1.0
Measure power consumption of an interactive application

    raplrs benchmark-int [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <program>

    -b, --bg-log     Log in background and post a summary on exit
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -r, --runner <runner>    Benchmark requires <runner> to execute

    <program>    Benchmark program


$ sudo raplrs benchmark-int benchmark/interactive/ 
Running application "benchmark/interactive/"
'q' or ctrl+c to exit. Ctrl+c will kill "benchmark/interactive/" as well
zone                        time(s)                     J                           avg watt                    avg watt curr               w/h                         kw/h
package-0                   24.02615                    473.20264                   19.69537                    20.30874                    0.13145                     0.00013
core                        24.02617                    346.57723                   14.42504                    14.78349                    0.09627                     0.00010
uncore                      24.02619                    28.36818                    1.18072                     1.53713                     0.00788                     0.00001


List utility for various information.

Eligible input:

  • zones: list all available power zones in CPU
raplrs-list 0.1.0
List utility for various RAPL-related information

    raplrs list <input>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <input>    What to list


$ sudo raplrs list zones
RAPLZone { path: "/sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:0", name: "package-0" }
RAPLZone { path: "/sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:0/intel-rapl:0:0", name: "core" }
RAPLZone { path: "/sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:0/intel-rapl:0:1", name: "uncore" }


Pretty print (like the output measurements from measurement tools) the last measurement of a .csv file.

raplrs-pretty-print 0.1.0
Pretty print last measurement of .csv file

    raplrs pretty-print <file>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <file>    File to print from


$ raplrs pretty-print some-log.csv
zone                        time(s)                     J                           avg watt                    avg watt curr               w/h                         kw/h
package-0                   100.09665                   2180.14650                  21.78043                    21.83721                    0.60560                     0.00061
core                        100.09672                   1707.28910                  17.05642                    17.26086                    0.47425                     0.00047
uncore                      100.09676                   87.50553                    0.87421                     0.73465                     0.02431                     0.00002


Measure or generate isolated system consumption data to be used in benchmarks when -i, --isolate-from is passed.

By default, isolate will measure the system consumption for 30 minutes. Alternatively, a different value (in minutes) can be specified with -m, --measure. This data will be logged in a file idle-isolate-420.69.csv - an example can be seen in ./logs/.

To generate the necessary data for isolating the software consumption, pass -g, --generate with the file generated from -m, --measure. This will create a JSON file containing min, max, avg, and total of the relevant fields used to isolate software consumption.

raplrs-isolate 0.1.0
Tools for measuring and generating isolation data

    raplrs isolate [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -g, --generate <file>      Generate isolation data based on input .csv file
    -m, --measure <measure>    Measure data as a basis for isolation for n minutes - make sure your system is as idle as
                               possible [default: 30]


# first, ensure a stable, idle environment
# then measure the system consumption for however long you want with -m <minutes>
#   this will output a .csv file as "idle-isolate-STAMP.csv"
$ sudo raplrs isolate -m 30

# then convert the previously measured data to json with relevant information with -g <csv_file>
#   this will output a .json file as "isolate-data-STAMP.json"
$ raplrs isolate -g idle-isolate-STAMP.csv

# now use the .json file with the base argument -i, for example
$ sudo raplrs -i isolate-data-STAMP.json live