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Config Tool

Urs P. Stettler edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 7 revisions

You can execute the config tool with maven:

java -jar sr201-config-client-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

The board and the computer that executed the tool must be in the same network. Since the SR-201 boards are configured to the static IP, your computer has to join that network, too.

Thanks to Christian DEGUEST there is a PERL script with which you can achieve the same result. You may have to make it executable first by chmod'ing it.


The script will walk you through the steps to change the boards config. (Unless I misunderstood the script, what I usually do with PERL.)

Target board

Enter the current static IP address of the board in the text field "Current IP address". Then press the "Connect" button to have the tool read the settings from the board.

If that succeeds the other parts of the window will show the current values and allow you to change them.


In this section you see unchangeable (?) values. Like the "Serial Number" and the "Version" of the firmware.

IP Address

Change the static IP of the board. As usually you can set IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.

There is no way to change the ports on which the device is listening!

Relay State

The board can save the state of the relays. When to power is lost, the relays are released, but when the power comes back, the board will apply the states again.

Select the checkbox to enable this feature.

Cloud Service offers a cloud service. You have to activate and configure it. Thanks to anakhaema, there is a wiki page dedicated to the data exchanged between the board and the service.

Select the checkbox to enable cloud service.

State the host name of the cloud server and a DNS server to resolve that host name. The service also requires a password.

Apply Changes

Once you changed everything to your needs, hit the "Send" button. The tool will send only the changed settings to the board.

You'll have to reconnect, if you want to change more things.

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