This example simulates backend parts of a web application which is used to visualize information from Git logs.
The simulated backend gets Git logs from a source in Json format. For optimal performance the backend should send as few data as possible. Data conversions in the frontend shouldn't be necessary.
- The package /src/test/scala/gitlog contains all files of the example app. Parts of these files must be changed to fix failing tests
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/scala-gitlog.json Example Json data. Must not be changed to fix tests.
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/GitLogReader Reads example content and converts it to a JsValue. Must be extended in terms of error handling to fix some of the tests
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/GitLogModels DTOs and transformation logic.
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/GitLogService Contains functions to implement.
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/GitLogServiceSpec Contains tests for GitLogService. Must not be changed to fix tests.
- /src/test/scala/gitlog/GitLogReaderTest Contains tests for GitLogReader. Must not be changed to fix tests.
- Run ./sbt
- Execute all tests > test
- Only execute tests in gitlog package > testOnly gitlog.*
- To run tests on every change use > ~test or ~testOnly gitlog.*
- read stats object
- extends case classes with Options
- Commits per Day
- combination of forname and surename is anough for unique identifiction
- Contributers for a specific file
- genASM.scala
- Imports.scala
- Modifications per file, i.e. Inserts und Deletions