Useful crypto coins JavaScript libraries
Mostly this list about bitcoin, but other crypto currencies are welcome!
Please put crypto name in brackets if library intended only for one crypto.
Please use specific category and alphabetical order.
- [bitcoin] bcoin
- [bitcoin] bitcoinjs-lib
- [bitcoin] bitcore-lib
- [bitcoin] bip21
- [bitcoin] bip38
- [bitcoin] bip39 implementation for bitcore-lib
- [bitcoin] bip39
- [bitcoin] bip66
- [bitcoin] bip69
- [bitcoin] bip70
- [bitcoin] copay a multisignature wallet
- [bitcoin] cc-wallet-core wallet with colored coin support
- [bitcoin] bitcore-wallet a command line interface Multisig HD Wallet, based on bitcore-wallet-service
- [bitcoin] chromanode blockchain explorer with colored coin support
- [bitcoin] insight-api a bitcoin blockchain API for web wallets
- [bitcoin] insight-ui
- [bitcoin] bitcore-node full node with extended capabilities using Bitcore and Bitcoin Core
- [bitcoin] fullnode JavaScript implementation of Bitcoin
- [bitcoin] bitcore-p2p interface to the bitcoin P2P network for bitcore-lib
- [bitcoin] bitcore-p2p-cordova interface to the bitcoin P2P network for Cordova/Phonegap apps
- [bitcoin] bitcoin-net bitcoin networking that works in Node and the browser
- [bitcoin] bticoin-protocol bitcoin network protocol streams
- [bitcoin] bitcoin
- [bitcoin] bitcoind-rpc
- [bitcoin] bitcoind-rpc-client
- [bitcoin] yajrpc
- [*] bitauth authenticate with web services utilizing the same strategy as bitcoin
- [bitcoin] bitcoin-faucet-api bitcoin faucet service
- [*] bitcoin-proof merkle proof for a Bitcoin transaction
- [*] bitcoin-merkle-proof build and verify Bitcoin Merkle proofs (BIP37 supported!)
- [bitcoin] bitcoin-spv-utils useful functions for Simple Payment Verification
- [bitcoin] bitcoind-regtest run bitcoind in regtest mode for your own blockchain
- [bitcoin] bitcore-channel payment channels smart contract support for bitcore-lib
- [bitcoin] bitcore-message
- [bticoin] bitcore-wallet-client a client library for bitcore-wallet-service
- [bitcoin] bitcore-wallet-service a multisig, HD wallet service (used by Copay)
- [bitcoin] bitcoinjs-message
- [bitcoin] blkdat-stream ablk*.dat streaming module, useful for parsing the bitcoin blockchain
- [bitcoin] blockchainjs bitcoin blockchain for wallets
- [*] bs58 base58 encoding/decoding
- [*] bs58check a straight forward implementation of base58check extending upon bs58
- [*] coininfo crypto currency specific information
- [*] coinkey JavaScript component for private keys, public keys, and addresess for crypto currencies
- [bitcoin] coloredcoinjs-lib JavaScript Colored Coins library
- [bitcoin] stealth stealth addresses
- [bitcoin] wif bitcoin wallet import format JS encoding/decoding
- [*] bitcore-ecies a module for bitcore that implements the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES)
- [*] drbg.js deterministic random bit generators from NIST SP 800-90A
- [*] ecdsa JavaScript component to Eliptical Curve Cryptography signing and verify
- [*] ecurve JavaScript component for Eliptical Curve Cryptography
- [*] elliptic fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in plain JavaScript
- [*] secp256k1 node.js bindings and pure JS implementation