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Module and hooks concept

David Loibl edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 1 revision

After each major processing step (downloads, prepropcessing, interferometric processing, postprocessing) a hook to include modules should be integrated. In the main config file, vars to activate each hook will be provided. If a hook var is set to a valid module name (i.e., the var is equal to an existing subdirectory of 'modules'), then the module code will be executed. Several modules may be integrated in one hook by listing their names in the hook var, separated by semicolons. Additional configuration for modules should be provided by a file 'modulename.config' in the config directory.

Model output should be written to specific .log files. Results should be put in subdirectory of of Output which should have the same name as the module.

A template to create models should be provided.

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