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REST based captcha generating microservice

Consists of the following types:

  • Image To Text

    Math Challenge

    (Ans: dfl22V)

  • Math Challenge

    Math Challenge

    (Ans: 64)


  • Request captcha using one of the methods
  • Response body is the raw body of the captcha (image/sound) and Captcha Id will be provided in X-Captcha-Session-Id header
  • Answer can be verified using the /verify endpoint providing a JWT token
  • JWT token can be used to confirm authenticity on server side or client side with /verify endpoint


Random Captcha


Get a random captcha from all the methods supported

Header: X-Captcha-Session-Id - contains the captcha id

Body is raw content of the captcha (image/sound)

Image Captcha


Get image captcha

Header: X-Captcha-Session-Id - contains the captcha id

Body is raw image in png format

Image Captcha

Math Captcha


Get math challenge which gives a math equation

Header: X-Captcha-Session-Id - contains the captcha id

Body is raw image in png format

Math Challenge



Verify captcha answer. A JWT token is returned if the answer is correct (200 status code), else 401 status code is returned



Can be used server side to validate the verification


As a service

Environment Variables

PORT=                   Application port
JWT_SECRET=             JWT signing secret
HOST=                   Hostname to use in JWT token
PROMETHEUS_SECRET=      Prometheus secret (Use with header
                        Authorization: Bearer <PROMETHEUS_SECRET>)
RATE_LIMIT_DURATION=    Rate limit duration in seconds
RATE_LIMIT_POINTS=      Rate limit points for given duration
REDIS_HOST=             Redis host
REDIS_PORT=             Redis port
REDIS_PASSWORD=         Redis password
REDIS_DB=               Redis database
REDIS_USERNAME=         Redis username
CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT=        Captcha timeout in seconds


docker run -d --name captcha-microservice --env-file app.env -p 5555:5555 crossphoton/captcha-microservice:v1.0.0


There are 4 components to deploy:

For ingress make sure that ingress is configured. (Use nginx ingress for digital ocean)


  1. Clone repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run dotenv -e app.env -- npm start

Additional Parts

  • Prometheus : /metrics endpoint with proper authorization can be used to collect metrics
  • Logging : is done using winston.
  • Shutdown management : done using lightship


MIT License