The goal of this exercise is to create a game. In the game, dots move from the top to the bottom of the screen. A player tries to click on the dots, and receives points when they are successful.
- The game starts when a player touches or clicks the Start button; at that point, the Start button changes to a Pause button, which should pause the game until the button is touched or clicked again.
- Dots fall at a constant rate. A player should be able to use a slider to control the rate at which dots fall; at the slider's left-most position, dots should fall at a speed of 10px per second, and at the slider's right-most position, should fall at a speed of 100px per second.
- A new dot appears at a random horizontal position at the top of the box every second. A dot should not "hang" off the left or right edge of the screen.
- Dots should vary randomly in size from 10px in diameter to 100px in diameter.
- A dot's value is inversely proportional to its size, with the smallest dots worth 10 points, and the largest dots worth 1 point.
- When a player touches or clicks a dot, the dot should disappear from the box, and the score should be increased based on the dot's value.
- A new dot should also appear every 1000ms.
You can view your running application by clicking the "Show" link in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
To create a new asset, click on the "assets" directory in the front-end section; drag the file from you computer to the browser window.
To use an asset, click on the "assets" directory in the front-end section; then, click the "Copy URL" button to get the asset's URL.