This project contains a simple tasklist. It is designed to quickly and easily manage your tasks with a few button clicks.
- An input field to add new tasks
- An area to display all current tasks
- A checkbox for each task to delete a task
More features are comming soon.
Client: React, Axios, TailwindCSS
Server: FastAPI (Python)
- Clone this repo
- Go to the client folder
- Run:
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer axios
- In client/src/App.jsx insert your IP or URL where your API runs
- Go to the server folder
- Run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Rename the .example-env to .env and insert your MySQL data there
- Create a new MySQL Database called "ez_tasklist"
- Inside there create a new table called "tasks". There should be the Values id(int, AUTO_INCREMENT) and task(LONGTEXT)
To start the application:
- Go to the client folder and run:
npm run dev
- Go to the server folder and run: