This contains the code from DMap in the DMap/mf folder, with some tests and malicious clients that I've added.
Code I wrote: - sets /root/mf/gnrs/jserver/rock-configs/baseline/net-ipv4.xml to have the current machine (ORBIT node) 's IP address. Can be run on startup by including in rc.local on the node image. - generates discrete time steps (15 minute) of mobility using Sookhyun's transition probability matrix from "Measurement and Modeling of User Transitioning Among Networks". After adding a random distribution across each 15-minute time step, this could be used to populate a client trace for experiments.
DMap/mf/gnrs/jserver/rock-configs - prefixes.ipv4 associates IP space each AS is responsible for to AS number (128) - as-binding.ipv4 associates AS number to IP and port - server.xml - uses k=3 replicas, selects one at random for lookup, no caching enabled, default GUID binding expiration 900000 ms = 15 min
DMap attacks:
DMap/mf/gnrs/jserver/src/test/java/edu/rutgers/winlab/mfirst/mapping/ipv4udp/Rock_IPv4UDPGUIDMapTest - can be used to print out NAs for a GUID - ie. generate a Rainbow Table. Note that this assumes as-binding.ipv4 doesn't change based on which nodes are cooperating.
DMap/mf/gnrs/jserver/...winlab/mfirst/client/GeneratingClient - can be used to look up a lot of GUIDs with a time delay between requests Usage: < total Num Request> [-v]"