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Release 0.5.0

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@alexeyeryshev alexeyeryshev released this 15 Jan 16:06
· 141 commits to master since this release

This release contains 2 big updates:

  1. Bump of different libraries to follow Typelevel version cycle:
    catsCore = "1.5.0"
    circe = "0.10.1"
    doobie = "0.6.0"
    lolhttp = "0.12.0"
    That demanded some code modifiactions and the most important are:

    • doobie Transactor is now a cats Resource and doesn't have a shutdown method, instead we use Resource.allocated and obtain an IO to release the Hikari Pool
    • doobie now needs a dedicated thread pool and dedicated ContextShift
    • now we log each Doobie query for debug purposes
    • xmap of circe is deprecated => we should use imap
    • fs2.Scheduler is replaced by cats.effect.IO.timer and now needs and implicit cats.effect.Timer in the scope
    • cats-mtl was removed as FunctorFilter was moved to cats-core
    • couple of logs were added
  2. We added a Cron scheduler that lives in a separate cron module.