This project was generated with [Visual Studio 2022] with a template offered from the IDE
- APIRest
- DDD pattern to Domain development
- Repository gets data from external service instead of ORM, manteining the concept.
- Exceptions and Validation integrated in a middelware
- Async Pattern
- Swager integration
1 - Get the newest stories
- URL:'http://localhost:5165/stories-api/Story/GetStories?OrderBy=[orderbyparameter]&Limit=[limitparameter]'
- Assumptions: The endpoint returns the newest stories.
The parameters are required.
The [orderbyparameter] parameter only is valid for a specific value: 'priority' .
The second one parameter 'limit' is available to values between 1 and 50.
Successful Case:
"id": 41169981,
"title": "Rodney Brooks' Three Laws of Robotics",
"url": ""
"id": 41169971,
"title": "AI is reacting to Twitter live",
"url": ""
"id": 41169938,
"title": "'Framework': An Advanced Laravel Development Suite",
"url": ""
Not validated case: http://localhost:5165/stories-api/Story/GetStories?OrderBy=anyvalue&Limit=50
Error: Not Found
Response body
"ContextId": "0HN5M1IA41KOT:00000002",
"Messages": [
"CategoryId": 0,
"Category": "General",
"Name": "StoriesNotFound",
"Text": "The Order by parameter is not able",
"Value": null
- Caching handler: All stories are stored into memory cache for five minutes.
The Cache only is updated earlier to 5 minutes when the parameters has been changed.
2 - Get specific Story
URL: http://localhost:5165/stories-api/Story/GetStory?id=[idstory]
The endpoint returns a story.
The parameter is required.
Successful Case: URL: http://localhost:5165/stories-api/Story/GetStory?id=41169981
Response body
"id": 41169981,
"title": "Rodney Brooks' Three Laws of Robotics",
"url": ""
Not validated case: URL: http://localhost:5165/stories-api/Story/GetStory?id=9999999999999999
Code Details
Error: Not Found
Response body
"ContextId": "0HN5M1IA41KOU:00000002",
"Messages": [
"CategoryId": 0,
"Category": "General",
"Name": "StoryNotFound",
"Text": "The story have not been recovered.",
"Value": null