If you want to learn React and Redux by example this is a book you would like. We are going to build several applications with an incremental level of complexity by going through the same steps.
The unidirectional flow implies getting the initial state, showing it to the user using the view functions, listening for actions, updating the state based on those actions, and rendering the updated state back to the user again.
In all application we will identify these concepts:
The state - the data that is stored and can change.
The views - functions transform the data into HTML. React makes it easier to create view functions that take input data and - return the visual representation of it using an XML-like syntax called JSX.
Actions - plain data objects used to express user interaction.
The updaters - functions transform the state. They receive the current state and an action and return the new state. The Redux library provides a functional approach for managing state using pure update functions.
From simple to complex, we are going to build:
The Counter app
A Sidebar
The Color Search app
The Loan Calculator app
The Toast Notification module
The Weather Forecast app
The Hacker News Client
A Show More component
The NYT Client
A Fetch module
"One of the best new Redux ebooks" - BookAuthority