This small library provides simple data model and some BindingAdapters.
Android ViewModel
has no Context
. It makes difficult to handle resources (drawable, color,
string, etc.). This small library helps you to solve this issue. You can use simple data model that
requires no Context
and bind it to View
attributes via DataBinding.
Adds below configuration into your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
And adds a dependency
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.crimsonwoods:EasyDataBinding:$latest_version"
In your ViewModel
class MyActivityViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _message = MutableLiveData(Text.of(R.string.message))
val message: LiveData<Text> = _message
val onClickButton: View.OnClickListener
get() = View.OnClickListener {
// Context is NOT necessary
_message.value = Text.of(R.string.clicked)
In your my_activity.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<variable name="viewModel" type="MyActivityViewModel" />
- Animation
- Attr (experimental)
- Bool
- Color
- ColorStateList
- Dimension
- Drawable
- Float
- Fraction
- Integer
- Interpolator
- String
- TextAppearance
- Theme
Not Supported:
- Animator
- Array (String, Integer, etc.)
- Font
- ID
- Layout
- Menu
- Raw
- Style
XML attribute | data model |
android:alpha | Float |
android:background | Background |
android:backgroundTint | Tint |
android:clickable | Bool |
android:contentDescription | Text |
android:enabled | Bool |
android:focusable | Bool |
android:foreground | Drawable |
android:foregroundTint | Tint |
android:longClickable | Bool |
android:minHeight | Dimension |
android:minWidth | Dimension |
android:padding | Dimension |
android:paddingLeft | Dimension |
android:paddingStart | Dimension |
android:paddingRight | Dimension |
android:paddingEnd | Dimension |
android:paddingTop | Dimension |
android:paddingBottom | Dimension |
android:rotation | Float |
android:rotationX | Float |
android:rotationY | Float |
android:scaleX | Float |
android:scaleY | Float |
android:soundEffectsEnabled | Bool |
android:visibility | Integer |
XML attribute | data model |
android:clipChildren | Bool |
android:clipToPadding | Bool |
XML attribute | data model |
android:cursorVisible | Bool |
android:drawablePadding | Dimension |
android:drawableTint | Tint |
android:elegantTextHeight | Bool |
android:ems | Integer |
android:fallbackLineSpacing | Bool |
android:firstBaselineToTopHeight | Dimension |
android:fontFeatureSettings | Text |
android:fontVariationSettings | Text |
android:freezesText | Bool |
android:height | Dimension |
android:hint | Text |
android:includeFontPadding | Bool |
android:lastBaselineToBottomHeight | Dimension |
android:lineHeight | Dimension |
android:lineSpacingExtra | Dimension |
android:lineSpacingMultiplier | Float |
android:lines | Integer |
android:linksClickable | Bool |
android:maxEms | Integer |
android:maxHeight | Dimension |
android:maxLines | Integer |
android:maxWidth | Dimension |
android:minEms | Integer |
android:minHeight | Dimension |
android:minLines | Integer |
android:minWidth | Dimension |
android:scrollHorizontally | Bool |
android:selectAllOnFocus | Bool |
android:text | Text |
android:textAllCaps | Bool |
android:textAppearance | TextAppearance |
android:textColor | Color |
android:textColorHint | Color |
android:textScaleX | Float |
android:textSize | Dimension |
android:width | Dimension |
XML attribute | data model |
android:checked | Bool |
android:button | Drawable |
android:buttonTint | Tint |
XML attribute | data model |
android:textOff | Text |
android:textOn | Text |
XML attribute | data model |
android:cropToPadding | Bool |
android:maxHeight | Dimension |
android:maxWidth | Dimension |
android:scaleType | Integer |
android:src | Image |
app:tint | Tint |
XML attribute | data model |
android:fastScrollEnabled | Bool |
android:smoothScrollbar | Bool |
android:stackFromBottom | Bool |
android:textFilterEnabled | Bool |
XML attribute | data model |
android:divider | Drawable |
android:dividerHeight | Dimension |
android:footerDividersEnabled | Bool |
android:headerDividersEnabled | Bool |
XML attribute | data model |
android:indeterminate | Bool |
android:indeterminateDrawable | Drawable |
android:indeterminateTint | Tint |
android:interpolator | Interpolator |
android:max | Integer |
android:maxHeight | Dimension |
android:maxWidth | Dimension |
android:min | Integer |
android:minHeight | Dimension |
android:minWidth | Dimension |
android:progress | Integer |
android:progressBackgroundTint | Tint |
android:progressDrawable | Drawable |
android:progressTint | Tint |
android:secondaryProgress | Integer |
android:secondaryProgressTint | Tint |
XML attribute | data model |
android:iconifiedByDefault | Bool |
android:maxWidth | Dimension |
android:queryHint | Text |
XML attribute | data model |
android:fillViewport | Bool |
XML attribute | data model |
android:showText | Bool |
android:splitTrack | Bool |
android:switchMinWidth | Dimension |
android:switchPadding | Dimension |
android:switchTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
android:textOff | Text |
android:textOn | Text |
android:thumb | Drawable |
android:thumbTextPadding | Dimension |
android:thumbTint | Tint |
android:track | Drawable |
android:trackTint | Tint |
XML attribute | data model |
android:collapseContentDescription | Text |
android:collapseIcon | Drawable |
android:contentInsetEnd | Dimension |
android:contentInsetEndWithActions | Dimension |
android:contentInsetLeft | Dimension |
android:contentInsetRight | Dimension |
android:contentInsetStart | Dimension |
android:contentInsetStartWithNavigation | Dimension |
android:logo | Drawable |
android:logoDescription | Text |
android:navigationContentDescription | Text |
android:navigationIcon | Drawable |
android:popupTheme | Theme |
android:subtitle | Text |
android:subtitleTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
android:subtitleTextColor | Color |
android:title | Text |
android:titleMargin | Dimension |
android:titleMarginBottom | Dimension |
android:titleMarginEnd | Dimension |
android:titleMarginStart | Dimension |
android:titleMarginTop | Dimension |
android:titleTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
android:titleTextColor | Color |
XML attribute | data model |
android:inAnimation | Animation |
android:outAnimation | Animation |
XML attribute | data model |
android:autoStart | Bool |
android:flipInterval | Integer |
XML attribute | data model |
android:measureAllChildren | Bool |
XML attribute | data model |
android:baselineAligned | Bool |
android:baselineAlignedChildIndex | Integer |
android:measureWithLargestChild | Bool |
android:dividerPadding | Dimension |
XML attribute | data model |
android:baselineAligned | Bool |
android:baselineAlignedChildIndex | Integer |
app:divider | Drawable |
app:measureWithLargestChild | Bool |
app:dividerPadding | Dimension |
XML attribute | data model |
android:maxWidth | Dimension |
app:iconifiedByDefault | Bool |
app:queryHint | Text |
XML attribute | data model |
android:textOff | Text |
android:textOn | Text |
android:thumb | Drawable |
app:showText | Bool |
app:splitTrack | Bool |
app:switchMinWidth | Dimension |
app:switchPadding | Dimension |
app:switchTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
app:thumbTextPadding | Dimension |
app:thumbTint | Tint |
app:track | Drawable |
app:trackTint | Tint |
XML attribute | data model |
app:collapseContentDescription | Text |
app:collapseIcon | Drawable |
app:contentInsetEnd | Dimension |
app:contentInsetEndWithActions | Dimension |
app:contentInsetLeft | Dimension |
app:contentInsetRight | Dimension |
app:contentInsetStart | Dimension |
app:contentInsetStartWithNavigation | Dimension |
app:logo | Drawable |
app:logoDescription | Text |
app:navigationContentDescription | Text |
app:navigationIcon | Drawable |
app:popupTheme | Theme |
app:subtitle | Text |
app:subtitleTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
app:subtitleTextColor | Color |
app:title | Text |
app:titleMargin | Dimension |
app:titleMarginBottom | Dimension |
app:titleMarginEnd | Dimension |
app:titleMarginStart | Dimension |
app:titleMarginTop | Dimension |
app:titleTextAppearance | TextAppearance |
app:titleTextColor | Color |
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