A dynamic SRV record proxy replacing nginx proxy_pass and static upstreams built for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
It was design to work together with DNS services like consul
A first implementation is ready for testing. It seams ready for at least simpler use cases.
- Multiple resolvers
- Custom resolver port
- SRV and A record caching
- HTTP proxying
- Proxying selection strategies
- Round Robin
- Random
- IP Hashing
- ngx_lua
- resty.dns.resolver
- cjson
- resty.http (not included in OpenResty)
Using OpenResty it should be fairly straight forward to implement.
- Add resty.http lua files to your lualib dir, eg. /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/
- Add modfin.srv_proxy lua file to your lualib dir, eg. /usr/local/openresty/lualib/modfin/
lua_shared_dict srv_proxy_cache 2m;
server {
location /api/a-backend {
set $srv_resolvers "";
set $srv_service "_a-backend._http.service.consul";
rewrite /api/a-backend/(.*) /$1 break;
content_by_lua "
local proxy = require 'modfin.srv_proxy'
proxy.set('resolvers', ngx.var.srv_resolvers)
listen 80;
syntax:proxy.set("key", "value")
It is used to set settings for the srv-proxy
- ip addresses to the resolvers used"ttl"
- The ttl in seconds for the cached srv records. DNS ttl is ignored (default60
- The proxy strategy."round_robin"
- in ms (default200
- number of retrys if timeout exp (default2
- in ms, timeout establishing a connection (default500
- in ms, timeout for backend to produce output (default2000
symtax: proxy.pass("_a-servic._protocol.domain")
Starts the process of and sets the content of the nginx response.
- Testing, non implemented yet
- Implementing other selection strategies, using weights and priority. Maybe something with server location as well