An abstract layer for database connection, and simple data querying.
Note: I do not advise to use this for production purpose because there are many database class out there that can do more and better things.
This is just a small experienment/excuse for myself to play around with the PHP magic method. Sometimes I just feel like reinventing the wheels. =]
- Standalone requires single file only
- Converts all records into object for easy access e.g. product->name
- Simplifies mysql query - e.g. $db->get_products->all()
Setup database:
require_once 'database.php';
//Feel free to put the config detail in a seperate file
$config['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['useranme'] = 'admin';
$config['password'] = 'admin';
$config['database'] = 'database';
$db = new Database($config);
Get model
//Name convention in getting products model: $db->get_{tablename}
$products_model = $db->get_products;
Get all products:
$products = $products_model->all();
foreach($products as $product){
echo $product->name.'<br/>';
//More options
$order = 'name asc';
$offset = 0;
$limit = 25;
//Useful for pagination
$products = $products_model->all($order, $offset, $limit);
Get By fields:
$products = $products_model->by_id(23);
foreach($products as $product){
echo $product->name.'<br/>';
//Another example
$products = $products_model->by_date_added_AND_category_id('2009-11-02', 2);
//More options
$products = $products_model->by_date_added_AND_category_id('2009-11-02', 2, $order, $limit, $offset);
Get first record by field:
$product = $products_model->first_by_id(23);
echo $product->name;
//You can use $model->first_by_{field#1}_AND_{field#2}(value#1, value#2)
$product = $products_model->first_by_id_AND_name(23, 'product');
Easily extendable:
class Product_model extends Database{
$table_name = 'product';
public function __construct($config){
$product_model = new Product_model($config);
$products = $product_model->all();
- Support the user of OR, LIKE statement for querying.
- Support complex queries
- Support database other than MySQL