Dombuilder is a simple library that makes it easy to generate dom nodes from a JSON-like structure.
The module is a single function exported as the global domBuilder
or through an AMD style module as the dombuilder
// Create a hash to store element references
var $ = {};
// Create the template as a JSON-ML structure
var template = [
[".profile", // "<div class="profile">
[".left.column", // <div class="left column">
["#date", new Date().toString() ], // <div id="date">Today's Date</div>
["#address", "Sunnyvale, California" ]
// native event handlers, not a string to be evaled.
[".right.column", { onclick: function (evt) { alert("Foo!"); } },
["#email", "[email protected]" ],
["#bio", "Cool Guy" ]
// $inputField means this element will be available as $.inputField when the call returns.
// Here we're using the reference in the onclick handler
["button", {onclick: function () { alert($.inputField.value); }}, "Click Me"]
["hr", {
// The css key sets .style attributes
css: {width:"100px",height:"50px"},
// The $ key gets called as soon as this element is created
$: function (hr) { console.log(hr); }
["p", "Inspect the source (not view source) to see how clean this dom is!"]
// Calling the function with the template and storage hash will return the root
// node (or document fragment is there are multiple root nodes).
var root = domBuilder(template, $);