Project Title: Interactive Java Swing Game - Quick Click Challenge
This project involves the development of an interactive game using Java Swing. In the game, players are tasked with quickly clicking on a randomly appearing gray rectangle within a window. The rectangle disappears and reappears randomly, requiring the user to track it with their mouse. The objective is to accumulate a high score by clicking on the rectangle as rapidly as possible.
The game includes a timer that relocates the rectangle to random positions every two seconds, progressively increasing the speed to raise the difficulty level. Players need to be agile and responsive to keep up with the accelerating pace of the game. The challenge lies in maintaining accuracy and speed to achieve the highest possible score.
This repository serves as the home for the source code, documentation, and any additional resources related to the development and deployment of this Java Swing game. Developers and contributors can collaborate on enhancing the game's features, optimizing performance, and addressing any issues to create an engaging and challenging gaming experience