Here's some cookbooks I've written for Opscode Chef. I'll try to keep them updated, but patches/suggestions are always welcome. Also it should be noted I'm a sysadmin not a true developer ;)
- uses the zabbix api written for ruby
- creates a zabbix_agent resource/provider
assigns EIP from aws eip_load_balancer_prod databag
uses a databag similar to this for server configuration
$ knife data bag show my-awesome-company application { "repo": "git://", "id": "application", "revision": "HEAD", "deploy": false, "deploy_to": "/srv/myapp", "prod_role": "myapp-server" }
- uses a data bag like the above for deployment info
- will only deploy when "deploy" is set to true or the node was just added
- creates as many EBS volumes as described in the attributes file
- stripes the volumes with LVM
- creates an XFS file system and mounts it
- adds a PPA to install php-fpm on Ubuntu
- installs and configures nginx