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Auxiliary Statements

Carlos edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 9 revisions

Provides a way to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query. It's reconfigured on the model, and then can be used during the querying process. PostgreSQL Docs

How it works


First, you need to configure the statements you want to use. These statements are very similar to scopes, but with a little more options:

# models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  auxiliary_statement :last_comment do |cte|
    cte.query Comment.distinct_on(:user_id).order(:user_id, id: :desc)
    cte.attributes content: :last_comment_content


The statement is lazy load, so the block is called only when a query requires its usage. To configure your statement, these are the options available:

  • cte.query The query that will be performed inside the auxiliary statement (WITH). It most likely will be one that brings extra information related to the main class, in this case, the User class.
  • cte.through Define the name of the association to be used while joining the CTE to the source query.
  • cte.attributes The list of attributes that will be exposed to the main query and after it is able to access through the entries fetch. It's read as The column form the query => The alias exposed. It accepts join columns in the left side as 'table.column' => 'alias'.
  • cte.requires Provide a list of cross-dependent auxiliary statements, where they will all be added to the source query when requested.
  • cte.join_type The type of join between the main query and statement query. By default it's set to :inner, that will perform an INNER JOIN. The options are :inner, :left, :right, :full.
  • cte.join The columns used on the join in the main query. It has similar behavior as the attributes, and it's read as The column from the main query == The column from the statement query. It accepts join columns in both sides as 'table.column' => 'table.column'.

Query option

You have to think about the query as the command that will bring the information from all the records, so don't use where or similar conditions, because they will be calculated using join.

For this option, you can use either a String, a Proc, or an ActiveRecord::Relation. For the first 2 options, you need to manually provide the table name as the first argument.

cte.query :comments, 'SELECT * FROM comments'
cte.query :comments, -> { Comments.all }
cte.query Comments.all

Accessing attributes

The class provided in the |cte| has many ways to facilitate accessing columns and other query stuff.

cte.query_table          # Gives an Arel::Table of the defined statement
cte.query_table['col']   # Gives an Arel::Attributes::Attribute
cte.col('col')           # Same as the above
cte.sql('MAX(col)')      # A literal SQL string with Arel properties



Once you have configured all your statements, you can easily use them by calling with method.

user = User.with(:last_comment, :first_comment).first

You are able to use all the exposed columns set on the right side of the attributes configuration in other methods like where, order, group, etc.

user = User.with(:last_comment).order(:last_comment_content)

The advantage of the String and Proc query option on an auxiliary statement is that they allow arguments. Which means that the can be further configured based on what you provide on the :args key. CAUTION if you use with with multiple values and the :args for arguments, the list of arguments will be used for all String and Proc queries.

user = User.with(:comments, args: {id: 1}).order(:last_comment_content)

You can also change the name of the key used to pass arguments using auxiliary_statement.send_arguments_key config.


Auxiliary statements can be defined detached from models. Which means that you can define them anywhere, even during the Controller operations, and just provide to the Relation as .with(detached_cte) and making sure that both can either be automatically joined or you provided a join.

class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    last_notification = TorqueCTE.create(:last_notification) do |cte|
      cte.query Notification.distinct_on(:post_id).order(created_at: :desc)
      cte.attributes content: :last_notification

    @posts =

  def show
    recipients = TorqueCTE.create(User.recipient_of(params[:id]).post_groupped)
    @notifications = Notification.from_post(params[:id]).with(recipients, select: {
      Arel.sql('array_agg("users"."email")') => :recipient_emails

You can change the name of the class used to create the statements in the auxiliary_statement.exposed_class config.


Auxiliary statements can run with a RECURSIVE modifier composed of two parts. The first query, as a regular query and auxiliary statement, and then a second query, added after a UNION, which will occur consecutively until it does not bring any more records. PostgreSQL Docs


Some assumptions are made in order to simplify the process of setting up a recursive CTE.

# models/course.rb
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base

  recursive_auxiliary_statement :all_categories do |cte|
    cte.query Category.all
    cte.attributes title: :category_title


In this simple setup, where no sub_query is defined and using a regular connect option, the subquery is built from the main query, which also suffers an alteration. So, by default, the way that the 2 queries are connected is through :id => :parent_id. That said, the first query receives a WHERE categories.parent_id IS NULL and the second query ends with a WHERE categories.parent_id =

You can change how the two are connected by setting the connect option, as in id: :parent_id, where the left side will be present in the query so it can be connected to the right side on the second query (plus the extra 'IS NULL' default statement for the first query). If the first query already has a condition with the right side of the connection, then the null condition won't be added.

You can also set it to use a UNION ALL by calling cte.union_all!.

The depth column

cte.with_depth(column_name = 'depth', start: (depth_start_value = 0), as: (expose_name = nil))

This option will add a calculated depth column to your queries to show on which iteration the row was added. The as option allows you to expose the attribute to the main query if you want to grab its results. You don't need to set an alias to use it on WHERE, just reference the statement name and the column name, as in where(all_categories: { depth: 1 }).

The path column

cte.with_path(column_name = 'path', source: (path_column_source = :primary_key), as: (expose_name = nil))

This option will add a calculated path column to your queries to show the tracked followed until reaching the retrieved row (with itself included). It behaves similarly to the depth in the matter of the alias. The difference here is that the result will always be an array of strings (varchar). You can use an ANY operator to grab any record that contains a given id in the path: where('? = ANY (all_categories.path)', 3).

Setting up sub_query manually

The cte.sub_query option works in the same way as the cte.query, which means it supports the same things (Relation, proc, and string). But once it is set, the connection must be defined manually in both definitions (query and sub_query). Be aware that the automatic setup of the sub_query uses multiple from to make sure records are loaded correctly, as in: UNION SELECT * FROM categories, all_categories.


Recursive CTE is also available in its detached form through ToruqeRecursiveCTE and works similar to its normal form with the addition of the extra settings available only for recursive operations: sub_query, connect, union_all, with_depth, and with_path.

You can combine the detached form and a plain query to load the recursion result:

class CoursesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    all_categories = TorqueRecursiveCTE.create(:all_categories) do |cte|
      cte.query Category.all
      cte.attributes id: :id, title: :title
      cte.with_depth as: :depth
      cte.with_path as: :path

    @categories = Category.all.with(all_categories).from('all_categories')